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By Trent Van Drisse on 2012-10-12 07:42:59

 Here's the Ohio Valley Television report for episode#686 that was taped on October 10th, 2012, with an air date October 13th in Louisville. This episode is already available online at

This was the show following the October 6th OVW Saturday Night Special that saw Cliff Compton leap from off the top of the high cage OVW uses ala Jimmy Snuka, and like Snuka, he crashed and burned to the canvas, which allowed Chris Silvio to beat Compton in the cage, which asppears to be the blow off of their fairly long program. In a totally separate match, Doug Williams also turned heel on Saturday night.

This episode features Crimson defending the OVW Heavyweight title against Rob Terry, which was supposed to happen at the Oct 6th SNS, but both guys became unavailable for that date, so they were both "suspended" storyline wise. This show also has the OVW TV debut of Sam Shaw, though he's been appearing in OVW dark matches for several weeks.

Dean Hill, Gilbert Corsey, and the debuting on TV Michael Titus were the TV announcer for this episode. Titus was in the "Bolin position" at the desk, and claimed he was sent here by Kenny Bolin himself. Titus wore a loud coat, has a pompadour, and did the standard 101 heel color commentary in a manic fashion. Titus did his homework and knows the OVW talent and storylines coming in, and worked fine with Hill & Corsey, though his act feels forced. Ron Hed was the ring announcer.

The show opened with Josette Bynum backstage texting some mystery person. Her boss, Trailer Park Trash, caught her and wanted to know who she was texting, but she wouldn't say. Crimson came into the room and again tried to do the fake knee injury bit, saying he can't wrestle tonight. Jeez, get some new material already dude. Rob Terry then came into the room, and Crimson jumped back, again exposing him as a liar. It's on for tonight. Crimson vs Terry for the gold.

1. Sam Shaw beat Rocco Bellagio w/Prince Bolin & Joe Coleman

Like I said this was the OVW TV debut of TNA Gut Check winner Sam Shaw. All Bellagio early on. Joe Coleman ended up going up top with a chain wrapped around his fist, but "accidentally" hit Bellagio instead of Shaw. Shaw then won with a top rope legdrop he calls "The Breaking Point. Too short to tell much. Shaw won a battle royal on Oct 6th, which earned him a shot at Alex Silva's OVW TV title this Sunday, October 14th at an OVW house show in Louisville. How many times can Joe Coleman screw up and still remain in Bolin Services 2.0?

Terry Boddie interviewed Jason Wayne backstage. Wayne bragged about beating Brandon Espinosa at the Saturday Night Special, saying "people like him", meaning Gay, aren't welcome around here. Espinosa took exception to this and interrupted the interview. Wayne left for a moment, but then attacked Espinosa from behind, leaving him laying.

Cliff Compton came to the ring and said this past Saturday he proved he was the greatest attraction in the history of OVW. Speaking of that, I'm surprised they didn't show clips, or at least a still shot, of him coming off the top of the cage. But Compton said it's time to move on to the future, and added that he's held every title in OVW except for the TV title, so that was his next goal. OVW TV champion Alex Silva came out and said let's do this right now, leading to....

2. Alex Silva beat Cliff Compton to retain the OVW TV title

Compton got off to a fast start here, and maintained it. Alex Silva got the win with a roll up to again retain the OVW TV title after Compton missed a splash in the corner. Notable that Silva didn't win with his "Silva Surfer" running knee, since he almost always uses that for a finish.

The Best Team Ever(Jessie Godderz & Rudy Switchblade) were again arguing backstage, even though they are still the OVW Southern tag team champions, almost in spite of themselves. Crismon came up to them, with his stooges The Wildcards(Shiloh Jonze & Raul Lamotta). Crimson complained about the way Trailer Park Trash was treating everyone, and offered BTE a chance to join the "Crimson Army". Switchblade & Godderz though are too self absorbed, and declined the offer.

Eddie Diamond & Timmy Danger presented a video naming their "Suckah of the week", which was "Smooth" Johnny Spade, for being in the shortest lived tag team ever with Doug Williams when Williams turned on Spade immediately on Oct 6th. This video was really funny, with Diamond & Danger as nerdy white guys trying to act like gangster rappers or something, but are total wannabes. Great gimmick actually, everyone has seen shitheads like that running around in real life. Towards the end of the call Diamond's mother called him on his cell, totally killing their vibe till she hung up. Very entertaining.

3. The Best Team Ever(Jessie Godderz & Rudy Switchblade) beat Randy Royal & Tony Gunn

Royal hit his "Royal Treatment"(Angels Wings) finisher on Switchblade, but Godderz made the save. Godderz & Switchblade then weren't even in the same library, let alone in the same book, or on the same page, but they still somehow managed to win when Switchblade hit Royal with a frogsplash. Incredibly sloppy teamwork from the tag team champions here, yet they remain the champs. What does that say about the level of tag team competition around here??

The Mobile Homers(Ted McNaler & Adam Revolver) w/Brittany DeVore were backstage drinking "rocket fuel" with Elvis Pridemore, and his entourage of Cinnamon Twist & Bobbie Bardot. Crimson & The Wildcards crashed their party and invited them all to join him in his petition against Trailer Park Trash. They all turned him down.

Meanwhile elsewhere backstage tag team partners Michael Hayes & James "Moose" Thomas were talking. A somewhat dejected Hayes said he needs to get his knee worked on, which isn't good for a one legged man, and he will know more next week, and let everyone else know too.

4. "Smooth" Johnny Spade beat "VIP" Joe Rosa

An angry Spade came out on fire and won very quickly with a super kick. Rosa came out drinking some clear alcoholic beverage. What's up with all the drinking gimmicks here lately?

Spade then took the mic and demanded that turncoat Doug Williams come out now. Instead, Williams appeared in a video saying he was "5,000 miles away right now", and that it was "just business and not personal" when he turned on Spade at the Saturday Night Special. Williams said he did it because he owned Crimson a favor. Williams said Spade can deal with his "friends" tonight. The Wildcards then hit the ring and tried to attack Spade, as did Williams himself moments later, so that "I'm 5k away" line was an even lamer lie than Crimson's knee injury crap. Sam Shaw made the save for Spade, like he also did on Saturday, but Spade doesn't trust anyone nowadays and again told Shaw he doesn't need his help.

5. Crimson beat Rob Terry to retain the OVW Heavyweight title

TV main event time. This match finally came off. Crimson was still milking the fake bum knee bit. Terry totally in command early on. Crimson used the fake knee injury to gain the advantage with a surprise attack, though who could it actually "surprise" at this point?? Crimson held a chinlock for a long time, as they had time to fill here. They kept it basic, but worked fine together. Terry came back, but The Wildcards hit the ring and Terry fought them off, which was not ruled a DQ, and wasn't even addressed. Makes no sense. Hate when wrestling does that stupid shit. Crimson got a hold of his crutch, but Johnny Spade ran in and hit Crimson with the crutch. Terry then hit a swinging sidewalk slam on Crimson, who kicked out at 9.999. Doug Williams then hit Spade on the floor with the crutch, and Crimson pinned Terry by holding his trunks to retain the OVW title.

Sam Shaw again ran in and made the save for Terry & Spade after the match as Crimson, Williams & The Wildcards were beating them up. The show ended with Trailer Park Trash coming out and making an 8 man tag for next week. Crimson, Doug Williams & The Wildcards vs Rob Terry, Johnny Spade, Sam Shaw & a mystery partner, which could end up being TPT himself, even though they made the rule a long time ago he couldn't wrestle and be the director of authority at the same time.

Eh, maybe I wasn't in the mood, but I wasn't feeling this show. Not bad per say, but didn't grab me for whatever reason. My favorite thing on it was the hilarious Timmy Danger & Eddie Diamond video if that tells you anything about my feelings on how Terry vs Crimson connected with me. I figured it would be way overbooked with tons of interference, and it was. I just don't like the whole story they've told with this program here. Send any feedback to  

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