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By Mike Johnson on 2012-10-06 19:48:05

Welcome to's live, ongoing coverage of the debut of House of Hardcore in Poughkeepsie, NY at the Mid-Hudson Civic Center.

Our ring announcer is Stephen DeAngelis.

I'd estimate the crowd at 1,850-1,950.  There are some scattered seats around the top of the venue but the floor is completely full and the bleachers are 85% too.

Crowbar vs. Shawn Daivari

They locked up and Crowbar backed Daivari into the corner.  There was a clean break.  Daivari grabbed an arm and began working over Crowbar, who reversed it.  They had some nice back and forth wrestling.

They battled to the floor, where Crowbar dropped Daivari on the rail.   He tossed Daivari back into the ring and locked in a submission.   They battled into the corner and on the top, where Daivaru superplexed Crowbar in.

Daivari made a comeback with a series of punches, clotheslines and a backdrop.   Crowbar whipped him into the corner but Daivari caught him with an elbow and nailed a tornado DDT.  He went to the top and nailed a big splash for the pin.

Your winner, Daivari!

Good solid opener.

The FBI with Sal E. Graziano vs. Danny Doring & Roadkill (with another Amish person)

Smith James, a Taz student, came out dressed like Roadkill.  He wasn't given a name.  This is Roadkill's first match since he left WWE in 2008.  The belief was he was just coming back to work this one bout.

Doring and Guido started.  Guido took him down to the mat but was kicked off.  They shoulderblocked each other but no one went down.  Doring rebounded off the ropes but was leg sweeped by Guido for a two count.  They went back and forth with reversals and then went to dropkick each other.  They faced off and the crowd applauded.

The FBI hit a double hiptoss on Doring but he nailed Mamaluke and tagged in RK.  RK hit a sideslam for a two count.  Roadkill flapjacked him.  Doring drilled him into the mat.  He went to the floor.  Doring hit a dive.

Guido began arguing with the referee (wrestler Scotty Charisma) and shoved.  The ref shoved Guido down and hiptossed and covered Guido.  RK tried to make the count.  The crowd popped and chanted for the ref.

RK and Guido locked up and Guido was lifted and tossed hard.  He tried to tag into Mamaluke who didn't want any part of RK.  He finally tagged in and stalled but was eyepoked.  RK sent him into the ropes but Mamaluke caught him with a flying head scissors and locked on an armbar. 

Doring tagged in but was tripped by Graziano.  They allowed the FBI to take over and double team Doring in the corner.  Guido nailed a nice dropkick to Doring for a two count.  They worked over Doring until he whipped Mamaluke into the corner.  Doring was kicked off and locked in a guillotine choke.  Doring reversed it and suplexed him over.

RK finally got the hot tag and cleaned house.  He nailed a splash off the ropes on Mamaluke for a two count.  Guido broke it up.  Doring superkicked Mamaluke off the apron into the rail.  RK and Doring hit their old finisher for the pin.

Your winners, Danny Doring & Roadkill!

What you would expect from these guys.   Roadkill took the mic and asked the FBI to return to the ring.   He said that he wanted to tell all of them something.  He told a kid to be quiet because if he knows his wrestling history, Roadkill doesn't talk a lot.  He said he has a lot of respect for them and the matches they had in ECW.  We had the first ECW chant from the crowd.  RK said that ECW is the past but HOH is the future and people will be chanting it soon.  He said that he wanted to thank all of them.  He thanked everyone for their support and asked them to keep supporting HOH.

Doring took the mic and said that you can say ECW or HOH but if there wasn't a FBI, there wouldn't have been a Doring or Roadkill. It was a nice, classy moment. 

Jazz vs. Winter

Winter acted like she was enamored by Jazz who shoved her away.  They did some nice mat wrestling back and forth.  Jazz locked her in a sharpshooter but Winter made it to the ropes.

Winter took control and kicked Jazz in the corner.  Jazz reversed it and chopped her in the corner.  Winter cut her off with an over the knee backbreaker for a two count.  She tied up Jazz on the mat.    She worked over Jazz for some time.   Jazz fought her way but was caught with a kick for a two count.

Winter went to the top rope but missed a splash.  Jazz made a comeback with a back kick but was cut off.  Winter went for a slam but Jazz slid out and nailed a Michinoku Driver for the pin.

Your winner, Jazz!

OK match.

Coverage will continue on Page 2!

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