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Did the WWF in the late 80's / early 90's encourage Roddy Piper, Randy Savage and Curt Hennig to retire from performing in the ring? All three wrestlers were still very capable of performing and remained with the company. All three would also wrestle for WCW years later.
Not that I ever remember. I know in the case of Hennig and Savage they went into commentary when they were injured. Really it was more a case of the sides not agreeing on worth/position on the card. Plus, WCW paid very well and the money was guaranteed.
WWE vs. TNA. Which is better? Based on talent, storylines, creativity, and finding new talent?
That is totally dependent on personal tastes. Right now, I prefer the TNA product. On the whole it's much better than WWE to me. But again, it's purely a personal preference.
Is it just me, or when a match is announced as being a 'non title' match, isn't the outcome almost always the same? The champion loses. ALMOST always...unless there is storyline reasoning behind it (for instance this past Monday night, when AJ made Daniel Bryan go against Sheamus as punishment, and flat out said no title, he just has to face him because she wanted to see him punished). What I'm talking about is on the same show, when the U.S. title was NOT on the was obvious Del Rio was going to win over Santino! If they wanted to really push Del Rio's finisher, they could have given anyone else, but giving him a champion and then saying it was non-title seems like a cop out and the outcome is really obvious.
You are so right on non-title matches. Almost all of the time they telegraph the finish. What was worse with the Del Rio match to me is that he said that the US Title is a joke and he doesn't even want it. If he doesn't want it why should we, as fans, care about it? The answer is, we shouldn't.
Have you ever heard of a wrestler taking a banned substance in the hope of getting a suspension (like Randy Orton)? Thus giving them time off from such a punishing schedule. If not, would you be overly surprised if one did?
I have heard that some guys don't care if they get caught, due to liking what they are taking. There was even a rumor that one guy failed on purpose. But, I can't confirm it. If it's me, I would fake an injury rather than fail a test. For one thing, I wouldn't want the strike on my record. Also, if I fake an injury, I get time off and get my downside guarantee too.
When Randy Orton is priming for the RKO and Cole says, "We know what's coming next." Isn't the correct answer: Strike Three?
Good one!
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