I’ve read various stories about various wrestlers getting de-pushed as a way for WWE to send them a message, and what I’m wondering is whether the folks in WWE who are doing realize that they are actively hurting their own business. After all, the success of WWE rests in large part on the popularity of the superstars & divas – anything that results in fans caring about them less means fewer viewers of both live events and televised events. Don’t they understand this?
You would think that they do but given that they continue doing it I would have to answer no, they don't.
Any chance CM Punk leads a faction again? He's tired of Rock getting automatic title shots, Cena STILL Main Eventing, so he brings in Ambrose, Rollins, Ohno. Some of the best wrestlers, who are in developmental being "taught" to wrestle. Throw in Ryder/Riley who for no reason are buried. To use a Batman analogy, He'll be WWE's reckoning, "making WWE sorry for giving everything to John Cena while leaving so little for the rest of us." Think that'll work? He does his best work with followers.
That would work for me, provided that he doesn't need them to win matches and he can win them on his own. You could even throw Bryan in there and let him do what he does best.
With the new WWE show on ION what is the point in continuing with WWE Superstars?
They have international contracts to air the show. Once they end, I could it see it going away.
If WWE Superstars characters are extensions of there personality, does that mean that Randy Orton is a boring @ hole in real life?
Wow, damn! Actually there is some truth in that statement as Orton himself has even said he wasn't the nicest guy in the world when he joined WWE.
TNA was quick to remove Angelina Love from their roster page on ImpactWrestling.com. Do you know why they've left up Ric Flair and Matt Morgan?
And Velvet Sky! Don't forget her. I actually posted a story on the site on Sunday wondering the same thing. Given that they are still there today, TNA obviously wants people who are no longer under contract to the company to appear as they are. My best guess in the case of Flair is that it's due to the WWE lawsuit that is ongoing and Flair being a central character in it. In the case of Velvet, it might be due to the video that she just did and a contract that TNA has with the band that did it. In Morgan's case, it could due to the insurance commercials that they have running or maybe they think that if they keep him listed on the page that WWE can't hire him due to the lawsuit. If it's the latter, that would seem to open them up for problems to me but I am no lawyer. In any event, when the world knows that the three of them no longer work for TNA and they are on the active roster it is just weird to me.
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