When do you think HHH will stop wrestling and who would be his last opponent?
He is only 43 years old, which is hardly ancient in the business. I can see him working occasionally for at least five more years, and probably longer than that. As for who his last opponent will be, it's really hard to say since we can't predict what the landscape of the business will be when he decides to hang it up. It could be that his last match just happens, without any promotion.
What is the point of Robbie E??
To make sure anyone that still likes the TV show Jersey Shore learns to hate it?
While listening to a wrestling podcast, a caller asked why Ryback wasn't at the 1000th episode of RAW. Not that I missed Ryback, but in keeping with the "Legends" theme, what if Ryback was announced to the ring first, then Goldberg's music hits, and Gilberg comes out? Ryback's only working jobbers and the talent pool he's feeding on now was sacrificed to Kane and Taker. Picture it, Gilberg tries to spear Ryback and instead knocks himself out on impact. Quick spot with a decent pop. Couldn't be any worse than Mae Young's hand.
That would have worked for me. As for the hand bit, I thought it was kind of clever. Sure, the younger viewers of today had no idea what it was, but for the oldtimers it was kind of fun.
Hate to hear the answer to this as I am sure this is where WWE is going, but what are the odds you are giving to Rock-Punk Royal Rumble, Rock wins belt and Cena wins Rumble to their 2nd time in a lifetime match at the next Wrestlemania where Rock returns the favour and passes the torch to Cena whom we have to suffer with.
That would suck with a capital S but I think it's fair to say the odds are 50/50.
With CM Punk's DVD coming out soon, Do you think it is bad timing for turning him heel? Will the heel turn affect the sales?
That is a good question, it really is. My gut feeling is that Punk has an older fan base so that shouldn't affect it as much but yes all of the youngsters that are Cena lovers and only appreciate "good guys" may not pester their parents to buy it.
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