Do you happen to know if WWE reached out to TNA/Kurt Angle to have him appear on RAW 1000?
No one I talk with told me that it was even considered. Considering the ongoing litigation between WWE and TNA, I can't see them even considering it.
Regarding RAW1000, is it an honor for Damien Sandow to be chosen for the DX-segment or is he simply thinking, what I think? "Buried".
My take is that WWE creative would call it an honor. I think many others would point to it as another example of WWE not pushing their young talent well.
So on Raw 1000 they say CM Punk turned heel...I saw what he did and I see their point but I don't personally think it was that bad. I mean, he let Big Show take out Cena, a potential contender, and then he got Rock, another threat. I mean come on it wasn't THAT bad....your thoughts?
Considering that that he was just telling AJ how he would rather lose the title that dishonor it by lying to her, yeah I think it constituted a heel turn. Punk was being booked as a guy with integrity and then he took the heel way out on Raw.
Do you think the “What?” chant is the most annoying one in the entire history of the business? A close second, in my opinion, is the “This is Awesome” which ROH fans seem to chant during every other match.
The What chant is definitely up there. I can't think of anything more annoying that that. This is awesome can be annoying when things aren't awesome at least when they are it makes sense.
I read your question last week about Wade Keller calling Request TV about the Mass Transit incident back in 1996. It has always been my feeling that he called them due to the fact that he didn't trust Paul Heyman and he wanted to catch him in a lie. How do you feel about that statement?
Only Wade knows for sure why he made the call but I would be hard pressed to tell you that I thought you were wrong.
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