I believe the suit was quietly dropped when Cary Silkin sold the company to Sinclair Broadcasting.
Is Kelly Kelly still with WWE?
Contractually speaking, she currently is. As we've noted on the site, there are some in the company who believe she is moving on and won't be back. She's had a number of meetings for endeavors outside WWE. When WWE learned of them from our reports, they began attempting to sign her to a new, longer deal, but I don't believe that as of this writing, that actually happened.
I read where WWE was on the verge of signing female wrestling superstar Sarah Del Rey. The only formality was that Del Rey was required to take a physical. Where does it stand now? Has WWE officially signed Sarah Del Rey to a contract or is that still to be determined?
Once the company knows that she has passed her medical evaluations, she's in.
I've been thinking about buying some Ring Of Honor dvds. 2 questions. 1 Are ROH real dvds or dvdrs? 2 I was thinking of getting some best of certain wrestlers, who's dvds do you suggest?
They are actual DVDs. I'd go for the collections on the Briscoes, CM Punk, Samoa Joe and Bryan Danielson, as well as the Year One DVD.
Why wasn't there a womens match featured on the Destination X pay per view? A specialty match for the TNA's Knockout title with Brooke Tessmacher defending either against former champion Gail Kim or someone else?
It was an X-Division themed PPV, so the women's matches were placed on Impact instead.
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