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By Mike Johnson on 2012-07-12 10:00:00
Do you feel that given the current creative change that we can start speaking of a TNA Twelve: Roode, Storm, AJ, Aries, Joe, Ray, Daniels, Kaz, Angle, Hardy, RVD, Anderson? As in a similar vein of the smackdown six they are the core of the show and almost always featured and put on good to great performances while still having a strong supporting cast in my humble opinion.

I can absolutely see why you would feel that way about the majority of that list. There is a ton of raw talent there and it's been completely refreshing to see how much TNA has improved their product in recent weeks. It's not just the talent that is being pushed but the way the shows are presented. They aren't even pushing the storylines the same way. It's very multi-tiered now with different storylines all primed to climax at different PPV events, as oppposed to the weathered formula where everything builds to the next PPV and then they start the process over. In the last week, they built some stories for Impact, some for Destination X, continued the BFG series with a climax in September, started the build for the August PPV and teased stories for down the line such as the return of Jesse Sorensen. They are giving us a nice mix of soap opera, athletics and old school wrestling, while teasing things for down the line. It's been a lot of fun to watch and I really hope they can stay the line.

Quick Question that highspots sale that you advertised really caught my eye. I have a few quick questions, The ECW on TNN and Hardcore TV DVDs are they the original episodes or the fan cams. If they are the originals (which means I’m going to have to buy a few) how did they get the rights I thought WWE had them? Finally if I do buy is there any way to let them know that I bought because of your website to get pwinsider credit or a cut? has licensed the footage from RF Video, which maintained the rights to use the footage due to a deal they cut when ECW was still in existence. So, it's the original footage. There's no way to get us a "cut" so to speak, but feel free to tell them you heard about the content on our website!

Watching Best of Clash of Champions DVD I noticed they mentioned extra matches should the Sting Flair bout end early, did they set this up to make it seem as if it was unknown to the fans it would go 60 min? Do you think that added a feel that anything can happen?

That was exactly why the matches were mentioned. If I remember correctly, there was actually a PPV during that era that featured an extra match after the "official" PPV as they had TV time left over.

I was watching an old tape of Starrcade '88 and it was obvious they were preparing for one more match, a Bunkhouse Stampede, when the PPV went off the air. What happened there and who won the match?

The Stampede was never scheduled for the PPV although in the weeks leading to the show, WCW never made that clear. So, they went off the air even though the viewing audience expected one more bout. Junkyard Dog won the Stampede.

I am going to try to go a TNA show in Tulsa in August. I have heard you talk about the vip package and what you get in it. Could you tell me again what the package includes as I want to get the full experience if possible.

The VIP Package includes early admission for an autograph signing session with the majority, if not the entire TNA roster appearing before the show.

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