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By Mike Johnson on 2012-07-05 09:51:16
I have a question about Randy Orton. There was concern with his suspension about WWE losing a top guy, someone second only to Cena. My question is, is Orton really the number two superstar? I realize he's pushed as such, but otherwise, I don't see it that way. He doesn't sell the merchandise like CM Punk or Rey Mysterio. The majority of press / public appearances seem to be done by Cena, Punk, Sheamus, or even the Miz. If Orton is their number two, why isn't he one of the faces of the WWE like the guys I just named?

I think among the fans, he's seen as one of the bigger names, but it's obvious that the move to Smackdown didn't result in Orton becoming a bigger draw for the company as planned. Right now, WWE sees it as John Cena and CM Punk are their top acts and everyone else is beneath them.

Why does the WWE bury the Miz on TV, then send him out to promotional work? He's the lead in their new movie, but they treat him like a jobber.

They love the way that Miz presents himself to the press. Why they book him the way they do is amazing to me. I can't think of anyone else who headlined a Wrestlemania main event and then became pretty much the 2012 equivalent of the Brooklyn Brawler. It boggles the mind but so does a lot of what happens in pro wrestling.

I am a big fan of champions losing titles in the ring. With that said, I Liked the Austin Aires angle on Impact. Hogan saying he can't have one man as the champ in both divisions, too me it placed importance on the title. It also was a far cry from when Kurt Angle was TNA everything champion. It was a fresh concept, and it creates another main eventer. Your thoughts?

I am with you 100%. TNA has done an excellent job by their titles lately.

It was great to see D'Angelo Dinero make an appearance on Impact Wrestling Live last night. Hopefully we'll see more of him in the upcoming weeks. Where has he been all this time? In someone else's doghouse?

He was filming scenes for the new Batman film.

Now that Sting has been inducted into TNA's Wrestling Hall of Fame who do you see being selected for induction next? Who do you hope will be? How often will TNA be inducting certain personalities into the Hall of Fame? Once a year? Twice a year?

There's no word how TNA will handle the induction ceremony. If I am TNA, Jeff Jarrett goes in next.

What is the latest with Ric Flair and TNA?

No update. He's still fired.

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