Why is Eve Torres out of the picture for a few weeks?
She is shooting a new TV series for NBC called "Stars Earn Stripes". It premieres Monday, August 13 at 8 p.m. ET. Yes, she will be competing with Raw.
When Brooke Tessmacher was in the Hooters dream girl contest TNA told the fans to vote for her and that her real name is Brooke Adams. Why don't they just use her real name?
With her real name they lose the merchandising and copyright to her. Plus, they don't want two Brooke's, especially when only one of them is talented.
When Kane came back with the mask on he said he came back as a monster void of all emotion because it was his emotions holding him back. Now he's making out with AJ? Is this just yet another example of WWE expecting us to be stupid and forget past storylines?
When Kane came back he also ran right past the guy who injured him, Mark Henry, to get to John Cena, who did nothing to him. So this surprises you why? Plus, maybe he's just a cad and would like to have sex with AJ without feeling anything emotionally for her. He wouldn't be the first guy to do that.
I can't help but notice in the house show reports on Pwinsider that everyone that has Alex Riley on it. It's stated that he gets big pops from the crowd. He's not even on tv. When agents make a report on house shows don't they include the reaction wrestler's get from the crowd? Is there someone in WWE that doesn't like this guy?
Yes, the agents do indeed share that information with the creative team. There has to be someone in creative that doesn't like him, like Vince McMahon. If Vince likes someone, they get pushed. If he doesn't, they don't.
Why is WWE hyping the big 1000 mark as being number 1 when Wheel of Fortune is over 5000?
They are very careful with their verbiage so that they are indeed the only show of their genre to do that many shows. In a nutshell, they have eliminated shows like soap opera, game shows, etc. that have done more episodes.
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