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By Mike Johnson on 2012-06-12 18:18:04
WWE and The McMahons each filed separate motions to dismiss the lawsuit brought against them by Martha Hart and the Owen Hart Estate yesterday. We'll have details on those motions shortly.

The latest version of Hart's lawsuit, trimmed down with some of the initial allegations thrown out already, alleges:

*Owen Hart's name would have reverted back to his usage and his usage alone in his passing, so WWE does not have the right to use his legal name to use, market and promote that name in their materials and DVD releases.

*That WWE released eight DVDs and other materials, including the WWE Encylopedia without proper payments to Owen Hart's estate per his Booking Contract with Titan Sports, which required that royalty payments continue after his death, per the written contract Owen signed.

*WWE used original intellectual property, including family photos, without permission of Owen Hart's estate.

*That the Owen Hart Foundation has been hurt its unwanted association with WWE through their usage of Owen Hart video and material.

Attempts to settle the lawsuit, thus far, have been unsuccessful.

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