I know a lot of people have had a negative reaction to Ryback with the Goldberg chants and all, but I think done right he could be great. I would keep building him and eventually have him be the guy who ends The Big Show's devastation or maybe even Brock Lesnar, your thoughts?
As I said in an answer yesterday, I want to see more of what he has to offer before I push him to the moon. With that said, if he continues to progress I like the idea of him laying out Show, since Show has been around so long and WWE needs something fresh. It would make Ryback look tough. As for Lesnar, no way. He is one of the few big names that they have. I don't think Ryback is ready for the top level yet so I would not have him beat Lesnar.
If WWE is having so much problem finding "credible" main event opponents for John Cena since he's beaten everybody already and because they haven't created enough new stars, do you think that it would be a better idea to have Cena start giving back and use him to create new stars instead? Let's face it, after almost eight years on top he doesn't need a title and can take a few losses. Feuding Cena with guys like Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Cody Rhodes etc. and actually putting them over to create credible threats for the champions (CM Punk, Sheamus) by beating him would surely help reinvigorate the main event scene as well as help those guys on the cusp of a breakthrough move up the card. Lest we forget, if it wasn't for the likes of Big Show, JBL, Chris Jericho, Christian and Kurt Angle putting Cena over on his way up, he wouldn't be where he is today. The only other option is taking him off TV altogether while things freshen up but I doubt we'd never be that lucky. Thoughts?
I totally agree with you here. Cena should be used to make guys. With true top guys wins and losses don't matter at all. Rock, Austin, etc. lost plenty of matches. I think if Cena started losing it would make him more acceptable to some of the fans that hate him now, plus help get young guys over. I like the idea and Cena is a team guy and would have no problem doing it.
Hey guys, thanks for all your hard work! I'm overseas with no chance of seeing any wrestling until I get back, so you guys are where I get my fix. I've been reading your thoughts on TNA and WWE...I get the sense there is a changing of the guard happening. With WWE consistently putting out a bad product where as TNA seems to be getting it right (for the most part) what do you guys think?
Impact has definitely been better than Raw lately, no doubt. But with that said the numbers haven't shown any uptick in the TNA product. So from a viewing standpoint yes they are better. From a business standpoint no.
Do you think that if WWE got to keep the old WWF acronym for the rest of their company's existence that the product would be any different than it is today? I think it would be mostly the same wrestler/overall storyline/etc.-wise, but I think that it would maybe be a bit more focused on the "Attitude Era" stuff with risqué humor and more adult storylines. What do you think?
The name doesn't figure in at all to the current direction of the product. The company's decision to go with a softer product is due to making deals with companies like Mattel, not the name change.
Love the site and can't get enough. I just watched Joey Ryan's video you posted. Is it just me or was it bad for him to tape it in front a nice pool? He talked about busting his ass on the indys for little money, but he came off as having money. It seems like he has talent on the mic, but he doesn't have a sense for the business to make money. If he wanted to make money he should have started cleaning the pool to show that he has to work AND is a wrestler. Your thoughts?
That is an interesting point. It makes sense to me that he show that he has been working hard and scratching for a decade.
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