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By Dave Scherer on 2012-05-29 09:59:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Here's a question for you (not that there's really an answer for it) - If they can't fill a PPV with three hours of good stuff once a month, how are they going to do it for a three hour Raw once a week? I guess we'll have Brodus' mama on speed dial!

That is a really, really good question.  Even more than that, they very rarely can make the three hour Raw specials entertaining.  I really have no idea who they will be able to do it every week.  I hope I am wrong but I don't have a good feeling about them going to three hours, I really don't.

I know a lot has been said about HHH being at Floyd Mayweather's blowing his storyline; given that practically every person in the world has a camera phone, was it not a rookie mistake to say the least? When the Sandman was "blinded" in an ECW angle, he didn't leave his home, and had other bring him his necessities aka beer and cigarettes.

It kind of depends on your perspective I guess.  WWE has, for so long, said that they make movies and are entertainment.  They break kayfabe on their TV shows from time to time, so my hunch is that HHH never even considered the selling aspect of his faux injury.  I am with you, if you are playing hurt, play it all the way.  I think more than a rookie mistake it was a wake up call to WWE that they need to respect storylines outside of the ring.

I can't believe that Brazil has so much problems with disrespecting their flag during an entertainment show. What kind of law is this anyway? I'm speechless, don't they have more important things to do over there?

It is a law that is on their books and that the government obviously feels is important.  What surprises me is that people can't respect that other cultures see things differently than they do.  My take is that if the law is important in Brazil, WWE performers need to realize that before they head out to the ring.

If Scott Hall didn't ever have to contend with his personal demons during his career, do you think he could have been one of the greats or greater than most people may give him credit for? I would have to assume he could have been better than he was, and all things considers what was going on with him, I am kind of surprised he never hurt anyone in the ring to my knowledge.

When he was on his game, he was pretty good so yes, I think if he didn't have all of the baggage that he brought with him he could have made a greater mark on the business than he did.  With that said though he did have a pretty good career and was part of something very important with the nWo.

Why does your site refer to Linda Bollea (nee Claridge) as Linda Hogan? Linda would not have his worker name in real life.

For the same reason we refer to Dwayne Johnson as The Rock.  It's the name that people know her by.

In an update from yesterday, Matt Cail sent word that he was at the Hall Of Fame and saw Shane McMahon get seated so he was indeed there.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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