I was recently watching some old Coliseum videos such as Supertape and World Tour and it got me to wondering about something. Could you ever see WWE recording matches from house shows and overseas tours and putting them out on compilation DVDs like they used to do with the old Coliseum tapes?
Possibly. I am surprised WWE doesn't do more original "on the road" content to sell as DVD originals..
Has ANYTHING in any way been done to help Time-Warner Cable customers able to get WWE Classics on Demand? It's a shame that Time-Warner's loyal WWE fans are good enough to buy the WWE PPVs all the time, but not good enough to purchase the VOD.
Like anything else, it comes down to money and the two sides haven't agreed on a deal that they feel will be beneficial to them. My gut is that we will never ever see the WWE VOD channel there because the second WWE goes forward with the network, the VOD channel is being shut down. So, why are they going to pursue getting it in new markets? It's for nothing.
Any update on the return of the WWE Ice Cream bars?
Sadly, nothing. We just have to keep hoping.
There is always talk of more Lucha Libre coming to the U.S. Do you see Lucha becoming a stronger presence with the increase of the Latino population in the U.S. over the next year?
Probably not. It isn't unthinkable that a promotion could do well with Lucha shows in the U.S. but the idea of it taking over and blowing up in popularity in the next 12 months? No. Lucha shows have drawn well in some markets, most notably California, for years but its always been haphazard. I think that for hardcore fans, there's an allure to the style but honestly, there have been so many attempts to bring it mainstream and none of them have worked. It will always just be a small niche here in my opinion.
Whatever happened to former ROH champion Xavier?
He lives in New York City and competes and trains in MMA. He still does occasional pro wrestling appearances.
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