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By Josh Higham on 2012-05-20 21:44:01

Results for Aniversario: The Ogg and I
Highland Ballroom
Manhattan, NY
May 20, 2012

Dasher Hatfield defeated Colt Cabana after a Suicide Squeeze. A lot of baseball-based comedy wrestling and mat wrestling. In the end, Veronica came out and distracted Bryce Remsburg to allow Mr Touchdown to crotch Cabana on the top rope and allow Dasher to hook on the Suicide Squeeze. After the match, Mr. Touchdown stood over Cabana taunting him. Dasher tried to apologize, but Colt would not listen.

Kagetsu defeated Saturyne with an airplane spin into a Samoan drop.

Soldier Ant and Green Ant defeated Los Ice Creams to get their first point as Soldier Ant made Ice Cream Jr. tap to a Chikara Special. The members of The Colony were wearing newer masks with slightly altered designs and their shinier, more formal gear.

Dash Chisako and Sendai Sachiko defeated the Bravado Brothers when 3.0 came out and distracted the Bravados. The Bravados were wearing their patriotic gear, instead of their normal argyle. This match featured Justin Bieber chants directed at Harlem Bravado as well a Chris Brown chant after Harlem made his first offense against Sachiko. The Bravados also unsuccessfully tried to garner fan support by starting a USA chant.

Brief intermission.

3.0 defeated 17 and The Shard by disqualification when the Bravados attacked Scott Parker. Scott Parker’s injured ribs were the clear target for the GEKIDO duo throughout the match. After the match, the Bravados continued the beatdown, and Parker had to be helped to the back.

Sara Del Rey defeated Meiko Satomura after two Royal Butterfly suplexes.

The Batiri won the four-way trios match, now called a “Royal Rhombus,” which also included The Swarm, The Spectral Envoy, and the former BDK team of Delirious, Tim Donst, and Jakob Hammermeier. Obariyon pinned Hammermeier with the leaping DDT after Ophidian sprayed his red mist at Jakob Hammermeier, who got hit with it because Ultramantis Black ducked. As the pinfall happened, Donst unmasked Hallowicked on the outside. Hallowicked crawled under the ring to hide his face. During the entire match, Delirious glared at Ultramantis Black from the floor and would only enter the match if Mantis was already in the ring.

Eddie Kingston defeated Jigsaw with three Backfist to the Futures to retain the Chikara Grand Championship. It was his fourth defense. Both men kicked out of multiple finishers after brawling on the floor for a while.

Notes and Thoughts:
It was another “Super No Vacancy” sellout show in the New York market for Chikara, but no return date was announced for the NYC area... Gavin Loudspeaker was making the hard push all day for the “Chikarasaurus Rex: How to Hatch a Dinosaur” iPPV on June 2 in Philadelphia... Really tight area around the merchandise tables for the intermission and postshow merch rush... Frightmare got a Welcome Back chant since this was his first match since his knee injury last fall... A lot of positive reaction for the Sendai wrestlers, including a “Please come back” chant for Satomura... Bryce Remsburg and Jon Barber were the referees for the whole event. Bryce Remsburg, Leonard Chikarason, Mike Quackenbush, Ultramantis Black, and Gavin Loudspeaker rotated on commentary in the balcony behind where I was seated... There was a special Chikara menu for the show, which Mike posted about yesterday... Ophidian now has red mist (instead of the previous green and black mists) to further the idea that he is transforming and evolving with his “Snake-style.”

Current Point Standings for the Possible Campeonatos de Parejas Challengers
As of 5/20/2012

Current Campeones de Parejas:
FIST (Chuck Taylor & Johnny Gargano)
def. Shane Matthews & Scott Parker (“The Contaminated Cowl” - 4/29/2012)

Successful Defenses:

Three Points:
The Young Bucks (challenging on 6/2/2012)
def. Darin Corbin & Arik Cannon (“Hot Off the Griddle” - 4/28/2012)
def. Kodama & Kobald (“The Contaminated Cowl” - 4/29/2012)
def. Jakob Hammermeier & Tim Donst (“The Contaminated Cowl” - 4/29/2012)

Two Points:
The Throwbacks (Mr. Touchdown & Dasher Hatfield)
def. Obariyon & Kodama (“Hot Off the Griddle” - 4/28/2012)
def. Darin Corbin & Arik Cannon (“The Contaminated Cowl” - 4/29/2012)

One Point:

Team FIST (Johnny Gargano & Icarus)
def. Mike Quackenbush & Frightmare (“Engulfed in a Fever of Spite” - 5/14/2011)

Johnny Saint & Mike Quackenbush
def. Johnny Kidd & Colt Cabana (“Chikarasaurus Rex: King of Sequel - Night 2” - 7/31/2011)

The Swarm (CombatAnt & DeviAnt)
def. Fire Ant & Soldier Ant (“Green Ice” - 3/24/2012)

Meiko Satomura & Kagetsu
def. Dash Chisako & Sendai Sachiko (“Aniversario: A Horse of Another Color” - 5/19/2012)

The Colony (Soldier Ant & Green Ant)
def. Los Ice Creams (“Aniversario: The Ogg and I” - 5/20/2012)

3.0 (Scott Parker & Shane Matthews)
def. 17 and The Shard (“Aniversario: The Ogg and I” - 5/20/2012)

Dash Chisako and Sendai Sachiko
def. The Bravado Brothers (“Aniversario: The Ogg and I” - 5/20/2012)

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