I would like to have you opinion on the following. While most comparisons between Hulk Hogan and John Cena are certainly far away from reality (Cena, to the best of my knowledge, is not the master of politics that Hogan undoubtly is, but he is also nowhere Hogan's status as THE star of the industry), I think a point can be made regarding their presentation as the top stars of the company and the reaction that presentation has on their colleagues. Both are, with very few exceptions, constantly main eventing the shows, no matter if they're the champions or not. In my opinion, this method keeps a lot of the much needed future stars out of the mix and, alongside with the downright idiotic booking, demolishes, if not erases almost their entire future. For example: They had a red-hot heel in R-Truth and moved him out of the mix after one PPV and they are currently using one of the best and most versatile performers pro wrestling has seen in years as second fiddle to Cenas fights with Rock, Lesnar and Laurinaitis (while he is the WWE champion !). Parallels to the Hogan-era in the 80's and early 90's are obvious in my eyes. Mr. Perfect, Rick Rude, even Savage in the 90's and many others were doomed to be midcard-players after their program with Hogan (if they got one). What are your thoughts about this ? Am I putting to much thought into it ?
The Hogan-Cena comparison is similar. The big exception is that Hogan at least used to get beat down before destroying guys. But yes, WWF/E placed to much focus on both guys and it hurt other guys in the process. The Attitude Era was so good because they had five or six top guys at its peak.
Why is Matt Bloom (Lord Tensai) back in the WWE? He was never very successful in the WWE before. And now he's back and he has already beaten Cena and CM Punk. He is almost 40, why is WWE pushing Him? Why not give someone younger a chance either?
If you can tell me we will both know. Seriously. I have nothing against the guy but I found it odd that they brought him back too.
Just wondering have you notice that TNA wrestling did to ring of honor what WWF did to ECW back in the day, just raided all there talent? What is the story behind that?
Actually, WCW raided ECW far worse than the WWF ever did. Vince took it easy on ECW for the most part. With that said, TNA is doing what they have to do, get talent wherever they can. You can't blame them for that.
Last time the business was in a lull like this the WWE put on the Summerslam PPV at Wembley Stadium in London. The crowd was as hot as hell and Bulldog-Bret absolutely killed the place. Do you think the WWE would consider doing this again? They'd guarantee a sell out and if the buys in the States continue to be as rubbish as they have been it might be worth the risk?
I doubt that they will for a bigger PPV due to the fact that spoilers would get out and it could affect the buyrate. But a smaller show? Maybe so if buys continue to drop and/or if some shows are moved to the network. Actually, if they are moved to the network, they could air it live at 3 on the East Coast and re-air it at 8. I could definitely see a live show from the UK under those guidelines.
I can buy into Big Show wanting to take some time off. Maybe a injury angle or even a suspension for the disrespect he showed Johnny boy but I cannot deal with the way Big Show was treated. I know that he had to agree to the angle but come on people what is the state of creative when you take an entertainer like Big Show and reduce him to a blubbering cry baby on TV. What is the reason behind all this??
Because "we make movies!" of course. Seriously, that is what they think. With that said, I expect Big Show to attack John Cena tonight to get his job back, turn heel or whatever. The angle could get a lot worse too if they don't play it like it was Show's choice to turn heel.
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