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By Dave Scherer on 2012-05-09 09:59:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

After reading the 'LOTS OF FRUSTRATION VOICED OVER THE STATE OF BOOKING" Q+A is it safe to say people are complaining a little too much? I understand booking isn't where it needs to be, believe me I do. But weren't parts of 91, 93, 95, 06, 07, and even 09 WAYYY worst than anything we're seeing today? We made it through right? I feel like wrestling and down moments (of bad booking) just happen, and it comes with being a fan to kind of more or less accept them. What do you think?

I don't think they are.  Sure, they have been worst times in the past and sure, sometimes things don't work.  But when people complain things that are very obviously being done wrong, such as the way WWE has not used young talent well, I understand their frustration and their right to vent about it.

Does Vince really believe that we want to see Brock's promo 3 times a show on both shows?

Yes and I see his point because one, it was a good promo and two, it makes sense to air it again for people that missed it previously.

Doesn't Nikki Bella winning the title show just how disrespected the women's division now is in WWE? They could have had Nikki win the title a few weeks ago and announced she was leaving with the belt in a play off the CM Punk storyline last year (The Spring of Bella they could have called it). John Laurinaitis could have had Eve as his corporate diva trying to win the belt back before the Bellas leave before Kharma comes in playing the Kevin Nash role and costs Nikki the belt. Not saying it would sells PPV buys but it would have been an interesting storyline that they chose not to go with. More disrespect to the divas of WWE!

Again, WWE doesn't put a whole lot of value on the Divas Title or the women wrestling.  They serve an altogether different purpose in the eyes of Vince McMahon and creative so it's best to just accept it and not let their treatment frustrate you. 

In today's Q&A it was said that Daniel Bryan was obviously upset at the 18 second loss where as Sheamus had nothing to be upset about. I don't really see it that way. Sheamus' win was completely over shadowed by Bryan's loss. No one was chanting for Sheamus the next night on Raw. Was there chants for Bryan? Yes, yes, yes! I have to say, this is one of those scenarios where a loss was better than a win. It has made Bryan more popular than ever and hasn't done a thing for Sheamus. Your thoughts?

I think the loss ended up working out well (so far at least for Bryan) but I don't think it hurt Sheamus for the long haul.  He is getting pops and I maintain that whenever you beat someone that quickly with your finisher it doesn't make you look bad.  I get the point you are making but I don't think it hurt Sheamus at all to win the way that he did.

Am I the only one that rolls their eyes when you get questions that refer to WWE as WWF/E? One last week even said "WWE (formerly WWF)". It was 10 years ago, get over it!

I don't roll my eyes but yeah, I get it.  If someone is referencing events that occurred in both incarnations of the company, the slash is fine.  If they are talking about things that happened yesterday, it's not.  What makes me roll my eyes is when I get questions like this: I want your opinion about the retirement of Adam Copeland (WWE's Edge)?  Uh Einstein, I do this for a living.  I frickin' KNOW who Edge is.  Sheesh, those questions make me roll my eyes.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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