I heard a few minutes of the latest interview that CM Punk did on the Abe Kanan radio show. As a heads-up, Paul Heyman was interviewed for Punk's DVD and will be at Titan Towers in a couple weeks to sit down with Punk and do commentary on some of the matches.
Punk also told a funny story about how after his match at Survivor Series, he walked by the Rock and said "follow that, a**hole." He wasn't even sure that the Rock knew who he was at the time. This picture from backstage at Mania is him saying the same thing to him. However, by this point they had already "talked it out", so it was more of a joke.
CM Punk also talked about how much he is involved in his DVD project, going as far as to approach the bands that he knows in order to use their music in the project. He said if he is telling his life story, he wants to make sure to use music that was important to him at that point in time.
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