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By Dave Scherer on 2012-04-30 09:59:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

I know only a small portion of the WWE's fan base actually watches NXT and Superstars, but do they really expect us to believe the "Matt Striker has been kidnapped" storyline on NXT when he then magically appears to do commentary on Superstars each week? As the Miz would say, "Really? REALLY?!?!"

Considering people have come back from limo explosions and death on the main shows, among other ridiculous things, this surprises you why?

So is Tough Enough done? With the WWE cutting Andy Leavine I don’t see how they can bring the show back when the first winner doesn’t ever make the main roster, yet the first person eliminated dances with the Funkasaurus every week.

TE really exposed the weakness of the developmental system.  Leavine was the winner of a mediocre class and now he is gone.  The ratings for TE slid after a solid open and given that WrestleMania has come and gone and there has been no announcement leads me to believe that if it does return its most probably home with be the WWE Network, if it ever sees the light of day.  Beyond that, it doesn't appear to be coming back any time before that.

Apart from the NWO – an idea he borrowed from New Japan! – what has Eric Bischoff really created in the world of professional wrestling, or entertainment for that matter? While Vince may be out of touch now he was certainly an innovator whereas Bischoff strikes me as a guy who got lucky and gets more credit than he deserves. Now he badmouths a long time employee of TNA, pulls a Gagne with his son, and doesn’t really promote TNA to the outside world.

Wow, you put me in the position of having to defend Eric Bischoff, that doesn't happen very often.  While I agree to a large degree that Bischoff's knowledge of the business is overrated, he is not without accomplishments.  It was his idea to go to the no squash match format of TV when he debuted Nitro.  He also did a lot of good things with production.  His bravado and ability to get close to Ted Turner also was the match that lit the boom period of the mid nineties through the end of the decade.  As a booker, yeah he wasn't much of an idea guy.  That is true.  It's why WCW fell as quickly as it did.  He didn't have the ideas to follow up what started with the nWo.  Now, he is ensconced in TNA and actually has made Dixie Carter think that son Garett really deserves to be in the push mix with young guys who have actually paid their dues.  Like him or hate him, he sure can talk some people into doing some amazing things.

Recently, You answered a question about whether the WWF/E should retire the Tag Team and Divas Championship. As a long time wrestling fan (since 1980), I have to ask this question. During the `1980's up to the early 2000's, The WWF/E Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship and the NWA/WCW/WWF/E United States Heavyweight Championship were considered titles of great importance. Whoever held either of these belts were considered the #1 contender for the World Heavyweight championships in those days. Now...It is considered a Mid-card Championship ( I hate that terminology, But that is how the WWF/E views them) and has lost its importance in wrestling. Should the IC and U.S. Championships be retired since all that the WWF/E really focuses on now is the WWF/e Heavyweight and World Titles?

I do think it's time to dust both of those titles because they mean nothing.  I mean, when Santino Marella is a champion it tells you all you need to know about the worth of that belt.  Once WWE created The World Title to give the Smackdown brand a strap of its own, the IC and US Title became worthless.

Am I the only one who noticed all of the "Old Lesnar" clips on Raw this week involved him destroying current TNA wrestlers? Silly me, WWE doesn't acknowledge TNA's existence, do they. Must be a weird coincidence.

You most certainly are not.  I noticed it too.  Imagine how something like that happens!

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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