With the roster being so thin this year should we expect the usual WWE Spring Clean?
That is a good question. Given that the preliminary WresteMania buyrate is up that has to be positive news for at least some guys. The rosters are light, for sure, so it's not like they have a ton of guys they can cut. But with that said, once they think someone has lost value they will absolutely cut them loose and we have heard that there are definitely people on the chopping block.
Judging by the angle shot with Mick Foley WWE know how they are debuting Dean Ambrose. But seems they don't know what to do with Seth Rollins yet. Should WWE hold off on him and other development talent for a couple months if they are debuting Ambrose soon as that would be Ambrose, Matt Bloom and Brock all appearing in one month.
I think they really need to know what they are going to do with all new talent and commit to it before debuting them. Bringing in guys with dumb gimmicks that fade away quickly is something that they really need to stop doing. I agree, with all of the new faces, and now Antonio Cesaro coming, Rollins would probably benefit a bit by waiting to debut.
Do you think we will see some fans turn on The Rock now that Brock is back when they see that he is working more dates that him and will be there ever 2nd week compared to The Rock disappearing from April to November than reappearing in March. And judging from last night's promo by Rock they way he left he will be doing the same this year.
I am sure that there will be some people that turn on him for that reason rather than appreciating the fact that a legitimate Hollywood movie star will be involved with wrestling as much as Rock is. I think those people don't see the big picture. Brock doesn't really have any other options at this point. Rock does. To me, that makes Rock the guy who loves the business more.
I would like to make a point in regards to social media and any effect it has on a TV show. A few years ago there was that segment from Saturday Night Live with Justin Timberlake-"blank in a box" This video was everywhere and watched by millions upon millions. I believe it even won an Emmy. People who never watched SNL watched that piece of video and loved it. My point is what did it do for their ratings? Not much. SNL just like Raw has been an average show creatively for a long time. Each show has their moments where people who stopped watching will return because of a much talked about segment or promo like CM Punk but eventually go away again when they realize both shows are still in a rut creatively. Even if a match or promo ends up going viral and watched by millions it won't do much for WWE ratings unless they pull up their bootstraps creatively and keep those extra eyeballs for more than a week or one.Your thoughts?
You are preaching to the converted.
What is your opinion on the angle between Punk and Jericho with the bottle? Do you think it continued the feud well, or mess it up? I know it didn't go that smoothly, with the bottle smashing before impact, and Jericho hilariously slipping. I don't think it was needed, but I'll be interested to see how Punk responds.
I get why they did it, they were looking to be edgy and all, but I don't think that it has gotten over the way they hoped. WWE felt like it was a worked shoot but it really wasn't. People who know Punk is straight edge knew it was an angle and people that didn't know didn't care. But, if it ends up "making Punk so mad" that he destroys Jericho at Extreme Rules, it will have at least been logical and followed through.
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