What did you think of Tyson's hall of fame speech? It seems people either loved it or just didn't get it.
What I heard about it seemed like typical Tyson to me. He was probably previewing his Las Vegas show, which debuts soon. I wouldn't get too worked up by it since Tyson is what he is.
I watched Wrestlemania for the first time since 2003 and have been on a kind of wrestling hiatus since. While I enjoyed Rock-Cena, HHH-Taker, and Punk-Jericho, it struck me that the roster was bereft of any new star power. The majority of the matches had names I recognized from 9 years ago. So other than CM Punk, has WWE really failed to get over more than one entirely new star in the last decade?
Nope, they haven't. It is something that I constantly comment on. They are not developing new stars and that falls squarely on Vince McMahon and the creative team. They have to do a better job. Period.
Putting aside that he is portraying the character Vince wants him to play, do you think Michael Cole is even a little annoyed or hurt that HBK, Taker & HHH all wanted Jim Ross to call the Hell In The Cell match? On a Cole-related note, am I the only one who finds it annoying that he has a habit of screaming the name of the finishing move 3 times in a row? It was all over the WrestleMania broadcast.
I am sure he wasn't ecstatic to have to share calling an epic match with JR but the fact of the matter is he made a deal with the devil when he became a character instead of an announcer. It's the price he has to pay. As for him screaming in threes, I don't have an issue with it.
Watching the Legends of Wrestling show on WWE Classics, I always hear the greats like Michael Hayes and Dusty Rhodes talking about the guys today are missing out on traveling with veterans on the road and talking wrestling and learning from them. Why doesn't WWE start some sort of traveling mentorship program for some of the younger talents on the FCW roster? Instead of spending all of their time taking classes and doing shows in the same area, wouldn't it benefit them to travel with a veteran wrestler and recreate some of those territory road trips? It wouldn't be the exact same as the old days but it would be close. They could partner the younger guys up with guys like Jerry Lawler or Dusty Rhodes who I am pretty sure still do independent shows. The guys could still be under WWE developmental contracts but do some independent shows. I think it would only benefit WWE in the long run. What do you think?
I love the idea but the problem is that WWE itself if the one that is breaking all of the old traditions. They don't want to do things as they were done years ago. Instead, they want to make movies and have entertainers. It's a damn shame in my opinion.
Don't you think what is happening with Oprah and OWN has got to worry the WWE? I mean her name and brand is wider reaching and her network is doing almost nothing ratings wise.
I think Vince McMahon would say that Oprah wasn't on the network enough to make it successful and that WWE has all of the footage that they do to sell theirs. I would be afraid though. WWE On Demand hasn't done what they think it would. Other WWE shows, such as AM Raw, Superstars and Tough Enough have struggled to find an audience. I don't think Legends House or Divas Go Skydiving or Hornswoggle Cleans Toilets are going to do any better. Vince should be worried. The best thing he could do, in my opinion, is stall the launch of the network indefinitely.
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