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By Dave Scherer on 2012-04-04 09:59:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

So in my opinion these two are at the top of the BS scale in the wrestling industry. Who is the bigger BS storyteller? Hogan or Kurt Angle?

Wow, tough call here.  I will go with Hogan because of two reasons.  One, he has been doing it longer.  More importantly, he gilds the lily about things we know were never true, like saying Andre The Giant weighed 700 pounds at Mania 3.

Just wondering what you guys think...if Cena had actually gotten hurt in his car accident and couldn't make his match at Mania against The Rock, who do you think would be Vince's choice to take his place? I'm thinking the only logical choice would have been Shawn Michaels. If Vince asked him, I'm sure he'd come out of retirement to help Vince if he had his back to the wall. I've heard some people say Austin would be the more logical choice...but Austin/Rock has an already been there, done that feel to it.

Shawn couldn't have been expected to be ready to work in two weeks.  I think Vince would have pulled Randy Orton out of the Kane match and put him in the spot.

I've just started to follow wrestling again after a couple of years' break and I have no idea what's going on in the business. That's why I feel the need to ask you this, even though I know it's been discussed before (and is probably being discussed as I type this): what do you think are the chances of TNA (or some other company for that matter, I'm just using TNA as an example) ever becoming an actual serious competitor for the WWE, or even close? And if they do have chances, what should they do to achieve that? I think the WWE being the only true household name in the business is incredibly dull, and I'm desperately hoping for some competition to rise its head... as unlikely as that may be.

WWE has been vulnerable for a few years now and TNA has tried to close the gap.  They haven't even gotten close to getting close to doing it.  Right now, I see no one out there that can challenge WWE (unfortunately because I think they deserperately need some to do so).  It would take a company with a lot of money and a great TV deal, as well as being committed to the business, to even think about trying it.

Now that Undertaker is 50 years old do you think they should shoot for Cena vs. Taker at a WrestleMania soon before it is too late? Assuming taker is ok health and injury wise.

Taker is not 50 yet!  He sure doesn't want you to think he is.  It is not a match I really want to see to be honest.  They are in different places with Cena as the star of today and Taker is the star of yesteryear.  I don't want to see the streak end and I don't think it's smart for WWE to have Cena lose to a part time guy, even if it is Taker.

Do you think the interaction between Rock & Cena has revealed weaknesses in Cena’s game? When I watch them I’m amazed at how Rock is light years ahead of Cena in terms of charisma and, seemingly, intensity. I don’t get why Cena would be smiling when Rock tells him he’s going to rip his throat out! During the CM Punk program last year I noticed how devoid of charisma Cena is and now it’s painfully obvious that the WWE’s top guy, and face of the company, really isn’t all that special. I guess it’s also an indictment of creative.

At times it definitely did reveal weaknesses, but Cena has been doing that "wrong emotion" thing for a long time.  It's something he really should work on.  He isn't emoting to the audience what he thinks he is when he does it. I think it said it all that WWE had to hold Rock back in his promos because Cena couldn't go toe-to-toe with him. 

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.


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