Bang up job as usual and kudos on all the spectacular audio that's produced for the site. I had a question about The Undertaker, after his first WWE Championship in 1991, why did the WWE wait more than six years before putting the WWE Title back on him? Did he cross someone backstage? from 1991 to 1997 he was really over with the fans, so it always puzzled me that he didn't get another title til 1997.
No sir, he didn't cross anyone. Vince McMahon has loved the character and the man who played him from day one. The problem was that as the impervious to pain dead man, it was hard to have him get beat in matches. And when you have a guy that is hard to have beaten, it's hard to take the title off of him. That was basically it.
What's your opinion on the whole Lilian Garcia thing?
I assume you are referring to calling Zack Ryder by the name Dolph Ziggler and then John Cena bringing out Tony Chimel to announce Zack later. If it was a one time gaffe by Lilian, maybe you could make the case that it was a bit extreme (though I think it was all done in jest), but she has goofed more than someone who is paid to announce people's names should. So, I was fine with it. Maybe it will take getting made fun of for her to be more careful when she announces someone.
Do you think WWE should include Hornswoggle as a playable character in their games?
Why not? Then people like me, who are annoyed by his push, could have Undertaker destroy him.
I was wondering what you thought of this idea. With the WWE Network seemingly on indefinite hold, and the VOD service barely making use of the vast library that the company has acquired, what about creating a DVD on demand service? I know Amazon uses this for certain Nickelodeon content, where the discs are produced upon order. While not a true DVD, it's a DVD-R, and playable on most machines. Not only would this keep costs down, but it would give hardcore, old-school fans like myself a way to get a hold of entire season sets of the material we're longing for, as opposed to waiting for a year of WWE on demand and hoping you get maybe three months worth of shows (WCCW, for example). Do you think there would be an opportunity there?
I think as long as they plan to debut the Network they won't consider this. They will want to be able to deliver all of their content in one place, hoping to increase demand for the new project. If they ever pull the plug on it your idea is a great one.
You know at the end of that new WWE Youtube show Are Your Serious where they say if you want to see something on the show to hit them up on twitter... I think all wrestling fans should tweet them every time we see something that's stupid or doesn't make any sense. Maybe the WWE would get it through their head that what they a producing is the same hot garbage they are making fun of on that show. So with that in mind.... what should my first tweet be, a farting diva, a dancing funkasaurse, a cobra?
Wow, so much to choose from! I would have to go with the farting diva. But you know as well as I do your tweets will fall on deaf ears!
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