Is HHH subject to the terms of the WWE wellness program? How would he be "randomly" chosen given his position in the company? If he were to fail a test, would it ever be made public knowledge?
I believe his new contract is not a talent deal so no he wouldn't be subject to the policy. In theory, if he was just a wrestler, he would be subject to it and the results would be made public if he were to fail.
Is it me? Santino keep pretending that his "cobra" is a real living thing (kind of like Al Snow and Head), but yet when he comes to the ring, he peels it off his arm, and tosses it into the crowd. Does no one else see a contradiction there?
Yes, it's you.
The way Cody Rhodes has been running down the Big Show, does Show have to win in order to keep any credibility?
I don't think he does. At his size, he is credible. If Rhodes cheats or uses some kind of outside event to steal a win, I don't think it hurts Show at all. Frankly, I think it would hurt Rhodes more to lose. He needs the win here to continue to be elevated up the card.
Did Ryder come back too soon? Wouldn't it have been better to keep Ryder out until WrestleMania, then have have him return there to cost Cena the match? That would give them a way for the Rock to go over without Cena losing clean, plus it would elevate Ryder, refresh his gimmick, and give Cena a program once the Rock goes away.
I figured he would return for revenge at Mania too and I think it would have, or could have, been really cool if they did it correctly. Insane they have him return, say Eve is a ho and then do a complete 180 just because she kissed him, making him look like a total jagoff. Brilliant.
WHY are they inserting HBK into the HitC match with HHH and Undertaker? WHY?!?! I don't have a problem with HBK, but I thought he was retired? I see a screw job ending and it will potentially RUIN a match that looks like it will be a classic and possibly the end of Undertaker's career. Also, is there any chance in hell that John Cena loses at WrestleMania? Another classic match in the making, but I do not see DJ winning, then going back to Hollywood. If he REALLY cares about the business, he will put JC over at WM. Love the site; keep up the good work; LONG time subscriber!
I have no problem with Shawn being in the match as it adds a cool element, provided he calls it down the middle. I think there is a good chance that he will, since as you said he is retired and won't be coming back to work a program with either HHH or Taker. In the case of Rock-Cena, I could absolutely see Rock losing. But I could also see him winning if the program is going to continue, which there is a lot of talk that it will. If Rock were to be done after Mania then yes, he should absolutely do the job to Cena.
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