He's waiting for medical clearance to return to the ring. Currently, still under contract to TNA.
How many times in history do you think that a match that was pulled and turn into a dark math at WErestlemania the next year it becomes a main event of wrestlemania?
Well, this appears to be the first and only time. It also makes Daniel Bryan the first man since Brock Lesnar to work a main event title match in his Wrestlemania PPV debut.
With Santino's entry in the Elimination Chamber, I think back to his time in OVW where he was a badass. His gimmick was a no-nonsense Russian who was a submission grappler, and I thought he was a pretty solid worker. Then he pops up on Raw as this goofy Italian fan. Any chance WWE will ever let him develop a serious side? I know it would take a long time to rebuild, not a quick repackage, but I think he's a capable talent. Of course, I saw Jack Swagger's first televised match in OVW and thought "he'll never make it", so what do I know?
WWE could show that serious side form OVW but the character is far more over and sells more merchandise as something of a mascot for them, so I don't see it.
What is the worst legit injury suffered by a wrestler in the Elimination Chamber?
To me, it was HHH nearly having his throat crushed by RVD when RVD's knee came down across it in the first Chamber match while doing a frog splash off the top of the chamber pod.
My question concerns The Undertaker. When he decides to retire, how will he go out ? Will he break character and have a send off like Ric Flair, or will he just walk away and stay in character ?
I've always thought the best way for Taker to disappear would be for him to have one last win, then all sorts of fireworks, thunder and lightning, then Paul Bearer and all the Druids come out and reclaim him, followed by lightning striking and a gravestone rising up announcing Undertaker's streak and demise.
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