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By Mike Johnson on 2012-02-25 10:00:21
If WWE owns the rights to the character Doink, why don't they use him more often?

I am sure that at some point, we will see the character pop up, but the reality is that the character would seem really dated and wouldn't fit into the current product.

So I just watched Cena's "shoot" promo from this week's Raw. Is it just me, or is that what this whole feud should've been about? Cena came across as not being the jealous wannabe, but as the guy who stepped up and seized the spotlight. He looks like the guy thats defending WWE from the invasion of Dwayne. That promo alone made me want to spend money to watch WrestleMania. Should they just have let Cena be the bitter, defensive "professional wrestler" all along instead of having Cena choose Dwayne as his tag partner and BFF?

I am with you 100%. That promo did more to generate interest in the feud than anything WWE has done since the early back and forth promos that pissed of GLAAD.

What would you rather see last on the card at WM, Cena vs Dwayne or Undertaker vs Triple H?

You announce Cena vs. Rock a year in advance, you had better close the show with them.

This might be more of a rhetorical question, but don't you think it's time for TNA to at least take its PPVs out of Orlando? It would give a different feel than the TV tapings, sell more tickets than average house shows & make the product seem less like early 90s WCW at Center Stage.

Absolutely. I don't think anyone outside of TNA would disagree with you, but until they can absorb the costs and potential losses financially, they shouldn't do it.

Since FCW's roster is seemingly so deep, what are the chances WWE holds a "minor league" draft instead of their traditional draft? Since both rosters are virtually combined again due to the Supershows, is there really a point shuffling guys back and forth between brands that don't even really exist? I think this would be a great way to introduce the FCW roster by showing "scouting" vignettes of the top ten prospects/picks or whatever. Any chance any of this happens?

The Draft is usually done as a ratings ploy, so I don't see them using FCW talents as a way to promote it.

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