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By Mike Johnson on 2012-02-17 10:00:01
I'm probably answering my own question, but other than trying to create stars under WWE registered names, what is the point behind not letting guys use their real names, or already established names? I would think that they might garner a few extra fans if they let Chris Hero be Chris Hero, McGillicutty be Joe Hennig, etc.

You answered your own question. WWE wants to own and create the names and intellectual properties of their performers, so if and when they leave, they can't take them to TNA or somewhere else. The feeling is that if they invest x amount of dollars developing someone, they should be the only one who benefits from that intellectual property. The other feeling is that it also prevents confusion in the marketplace.

How could Joey Styles appear on the EVOLVE iPPV? How did he not get heat?

Styles appeared on that event because he felt, rightfully, that he wouldn't have had a career without the ECW Arena and he wanted to have the chance to see the place one last time and pay tribute to it. As he said in his speech to the fans that night, he spent most of his young life there. I am sure he didn't please WWE by making the appearance but I don't believe he is under contract as a talent and it was just a one-off appearance, so I doubt it was a major issue. If it was, you'll never see Styles appear at another indy show, anyway. This was special circumstances.

Can the elites expect a detailed report from Rich Trionfo on the Chyna Royal Rumble? You know, just because he has sleeping issues?

I'd like to speak for my friend Rich and say, NO.

I know that when shows are done on live TV that that there are all kinds of things that could go wrong; so I was wondering, does it cost more to do a live show or a taped show?

Yes, just getting the satellite time and feed to send the broadcast out costs more money than it would to film something and then uplink it later.

I saw JT Smith worked the last ECW Arena show. Where has he been?

Smith is retired and living in Virginia. He was brought in specifically for the show.

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