Would Dana White ever run a Wrestling promotion?
Ever? Who knows but he certainly would prefer not to. He is great at what he does and I don't see him moving over into wrestling by choice, or frankly for any reason. I don't see him leaving his current job.
Would Paul Heyman in ROH be better then Jim Cornette and ROH?
They both have a lot of strengths where booking is concerned. I think Cornette does a good job and Heyman would as well if he were in the position.
Will the WWE ever get direct Wrestling competition again?
I don't see it happening any time soon. TNA is the number two show and they draw well under half of the viewers that WWE does for Raw. To form a company that would be able to take WWE on head to head it will take a lot of money and a lot of wrestlers. I don't see anyone wanting to lay out the money it would take and even if they did, the talent ranks are pretty thin right now. Can I say it will never happen? No. But I don't think it will any time in the near or not-so-near future.
What happened with the WWP wrestling promotion that was supposed to launch out of Florida?
It never got past the talking stages. A lot of people don't really believe it ever even got that far.
One thing I’ve never liked about Pro Wrestling is the backstage segments. The segments right before/after commercials where two wrestlers (or a wrestler and manager/boss/whatever) talk to advance whatever storyline is going on, all the while totally oblivious to the obvious camera right in front of them. It’s a huge plot hole and to me it seems to make everything look too phony for it’s own good. Anytime I’ve looked at old WWF footage from the 80s it seemed like they’d at least send Mean Gene or someone with a microphone in his/her hand backstage to attempt to make wrestling look a little more like a legitimate sport. Do you agree with my issue, or is this something I should just suspend my disbelief on? And you think if WWE(or TNA) loses the backstage segments for good it would make the shows look a little more serious and less like half assed soap opera?
I totally agree with you. WWE and TNA would tell you "We ARE a show" but I think that is a cop out. A lot of programs are "only a show" but they don't go out of their way to remind the viewer of that. Wrestling shouldn't do it either.
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