Is that pained look on Clay's face when he dances and wrestles realization of his potential with his current gimmick?
Actually, I thinks it's due to the outfit he has to wear. He is probably a lot less pained by the gimmick than his ring gear. Seriously, the gimmick is goofy but at least it guarantees him a spot for a while. A lot of younger guys would take that.
Who will win the Royal Rumble?
Unless WWE does something really stupid, the last guy left in the ring after everyone else is eliminated will win. With that said, I am picking Chris Jericho.
About CM Punk being pulled from UFC last night, does that have more to do with Vince not wanting to plug someone else's product on his programming for free? As much as he likes to make money, you would think that he'd be all over the free publicity having the WWE Champion on there.
I have no idea why Vince would do it to be honest with you. To me, getting your champion on a broadcast network the night before one of your biggest PPVs is a no-brainer. It makes no sense at all to me that Vince didn't gladly let Punk appear on FOX last night.
I'm sitting here tonight watching my DVR recording of The Biggest Loser, and it occurred to me that they have celebrity athletes come on at some point each season. They have had from all aspects from NFL to Olympians, but no Pro Wrestlers. You would think that the way the WWE gets behind programs like Make-A-Wish, and anti-bullying, they would be proud to help combat the problem of obesity in America. With the quality of athletes the WWE employs, wouldn't it be feasible for one of them, or even one of the WWE Legends to to share training tips?
I think they would be glad to be a part of the show if they were asked. It is just a matter of them being asked.
When is Christian retuning back to Smackdown?
Expect it very soon as we have heard he is very close to coming back. I would not be surprised to see him come back tonight in The Rumble.
I'm sure you've been asked this already but here goes. John Laurinaitis was put in place because of an "unsafe work environment" supposedly caused by HHH. But he put a non-cleared wrestler in the ring AND admitted he was out to screw another. Where's Coffeecup Otunga with his sage lawyerly advice, after all HE gave JL the note saying Zack wasn't cleared? Where's the Board of Directors? Where's the COO? And lastly, who do I contact in WWE to add a non-stop audio loop of Steve Austin yelling "WHAT? WHAT?" during Raw so my vocal cords can heal? Thank you, I feel better now.
So do I to tell you the truth. You are totally right. It makes zero sense but hey, WWE booking often makes no logical sense.
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