After watching Raw tonight, do you think Ziggler vs. Foley would be a good WrestleMania match if that's where they decide to go with it? I was thinking back to when Mick put over Randy Orton in a really good hardcore match, and it seemed to really give Orton some credibility and help him start to get to that next level. The same can be somewhat said for Edge when he beat Foley at WM 22 (though he was clearly already on his way and had already been World Champion months prior). I think it would be the perfect thing to get Ziggler to that next level, although one has to wonder if they would allow it to be a hardcore match. Also, assuming everything falls into place and we get matches like Ziggler-Foley, HHH- Undertaker and Punk-Jericho along with the already announced Rock-Cena, isn't this year's Mania shaping up quite nicely?
Mick Foley is a legend so of course he could have a good match with Ziggler. I think the big issues are what kind of shape would he be in and how much abuse his body could take (let's face it, he was never a hold-for-hold worker). If he is in better shape than he is today and motivated, it would be very good most probably. As for the Mania card, I like where they are going but it does concern me that they keep needing to go back to guys from the past to put together the show. It tells you how poor of a job that they have done in getting over new talent.
Am I missing something? John Laurinaitis, in my mind, storyline-wise did an absolute fair job as GM. He gave Punk the stipulation with Vicky/Swagger banned from ringside, he apologized for his mistakes and even the two times, he cost Punk a match, it didn't come across as evil. So, on Raw 1/16, CM Punk ranted about Laurinaitis and verbally abused him without any real reason. Sure, Laurinaitis reversed the outcome of the main event tag match but even that decision was correct because Mick Foley inject himself in the match without the GM's permission. For me, Punk comes across like someone, who sees something that doesn't exist. Of course, after Punk's tirade Laurinaitis admitted that he will screw Punk at the Rumble. For me, there is no real beef between Punk and Laurinaitis. Not to mention Dolph Ziggler, who gets lost in the shuffle. Your thoughts?
WWE is booking Laurinaitis in such a way that there is plausible deniability and Punk in a such a way that he "sees through the BS". At this point, I just want it to come to a head.
I have two questions today, the first being do we know if Evan Bourne was suspended for the same "substance" both times and what was it? The second being is there any real heat between Kofi and Evan after these suspensions?
We were told that the first substance was synthetic marijuana but WWE has not confirmed it. We were told that the latest failure was a different substance. I don't know if there is heat between them or not but if I were Kofi I would have some animosity towards Bourne.
What happens to Evan Bourne now that he has been suspended for a second time? I though Air Boom was getting a great push and thought that the tag team division was starting to come around. More importantly, what happens to Kofi? It seems like he gets the short end of the stick.
As I type this on Sunday Kofi teamed with Mason Ryan over the weekend at house shows. As for Bourne, I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't brought back. Failing two tests so close together isn't a good sign for a talent.
Looking at Brodus Clay, I am reminded of the time when Umaga made his first appearance. I don't think the fans took him seriously until they saw that he was a legitimate monster. Umaga also had that outstanding falls count anywhere match with John Cena that put Cena over as a real tough competitor. Now we have Clay turned into a dancing clown? How is that going to convince fans that he's a monster, let alone a heel if he turns? Talk about killing a man's gimmick! How can he be taken seriously now?
For that I say this, just remember that not that long ago Mark Henry was wearing the red Kool Aid man outfit and look at him now. So, they can change Clay's character if they want to.
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