1- If Flair is under contract with TNA how would that work out? He is already in the HOF and the WWE putting him in again while he is under contact with a rivial company wouldnt look good.
That is the million dollar question. It's one of three things. One, his TNA deal will have expired by the time the Hall comes around. I don't know when his deal expires (or if he's even currently signed to one) so I can't confirm that. Two, TNA gave him permission, realizing that not letting him go would make them look like the villains in this scenario. Three, Flair doesn't care what TNA says and will go anyway, which when you think about it is sort of disrespectful to TNA.
It was mentioned that Ole Anderson didnt get the call because him and McMahon hated each other. What happened that these feelings are in place and how can they not induct Ole Anderson? Any word from Arn, Tully, and Barry about Ole not being included?
Ole was the primary owner in Georgia Championship Wrestling in the early 1980s when the other owners got together and decided to sell to Vince McMahon. Vince wanted the promotion to get his hands on the TBS timeslot, which was one of the two national outlets for pro wrestling at the time. The other, being USA Network, which WWF already had. He bought everyone else out and pretty much took the company out from Anderson, showing up without notice to put on a WWF event when viewers were expecting Georgia. Vince tried to work with Ole but when he made the offer to make Ole more money than he had ever seen, Anderson responded, "You can go f*** yourself and so can your wife.". To this day, Anderson said Vince told him he would never work with Ole and Ole has since turned down offers to appear on DVDs, etc. saying he didn't want to make Vince a liar. Ole is a pretty stubborn soul, so there is no way he'd change his mind. So, basically, Vince took something Ole owned and Ole wasn't going to back down from that or forgive it. The other Horsemen such far have not commented on Ole.
Where is Nailz?
Last I heard, he was living in Wisconsin.
Why hasn't WWE done more international PPVs? They used to do shows in the UK all the time?
I've always wondered that myself. You would think that with all the tours, they would do shows and at least film them for DVD or later PPV release. Perhaps once they get the Network going, we'll see more of that. I would think one of the issues from their end would be to maintain the HD level of production they usually have for TV and PPV as they are a big stickler for maintaining production values.
How many ECW PPVs were there?
If you don't include the WWE version of ECW or the One Night Stand shows, there were 20 PPVs between April 1997 and January 2001.
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