So now that Jesse Neal has left the company because he got his feelings hurt, where does that leave his girlfriend in the status with TNA?
So far, she is still there. And Neal didn't leave because his feelings were hurt as much as he thought he didn't need more training and TNA disagreed. If he thinks he is going to go to WWE, I think he will find out they would require him to go to FCW first as well. If he knows that and is good with it, he made the right call because he will get a better deal to go to FCW. If not, well he is most probably in for a shock if he wants to continue his career as a wrestler.
Do you think WWE might look into promoting concerts or other specials with no wrestling connection to air on the WWE network? Their production is so slick I think they could easily give it a try.
They have talked about doing production for events outside of wrestling for years now and they are open to doing it. I tend to doubt that they will air them on their network though as to do so they would have to pay some serious rights fees to the events and I don't see them wanting to lay our that kind of money, at least not in the beginning. They have wanted to sell their production services. I think that is what they would prefer to do in this case.
With the WWE looking to upgrade the FCW TV show and have it taped in alternate locations in Florida, do you think it has anything to do with the WWE Network? Would they consider making the FCW TV show a part of the WWE Network programming?
That is an interesting question. In the past, they have not wanted to expose the masses to wrestlers in their formative stages and my hunch is that they will feel the same way now. They want to mold viewers' impressions of who a "Superstar" is when they are ready to do so and when the talent is ready to be exposed to the masses. FCW is where guys learn. WWE doesn't want the fans to see guys before they are ready so I will guess that they won't show FCW TV on the network.
Has the WWE ever considered a more gradual process to creating new stars? First you start with FCW then get called up to NXT, start working WWE Superstars and finally being presented as a new star debuting on Smackdown or RAW? If someone were to have the talent/potential to go straight from FCW to Smackdown or RAW it would make him seem more important/special, like Lebron James skipping NCAA and going from High School to the NBA.
If they get a guy they think is that good and ready, they would move him up in a second.
Given the B PPV's look to be moving to the WWE Network were the ads run in recent PPV's a test run on how to insert them into the shows?
No, it wasn't. WWE is already adept at producing live television broadcasts. They will have no problem putting them on PPVs if they move them to the network. The ads you refer to were placed for one reason, money!
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