I don't know why she wrote what she did, but I don't think it was to take a shot at Angle.
I read where former WWE womens wrestling star Lita was arrested for excessive speeding and driving without a valid drivers license. It raises the question. How was she able to take part in the WWE Slammy Awards on Raw Monday night? In other words how did she get there?
Obviously, someone drove her or she took a flight. You can still get on a plane if you have a valid passport.
Can you please try to help me how it is that nobody in the company is stepping up and telling Vince what is wrong with his ship wreck of a show? There is a board of directors that has right and a slew of other people that should stop pussy footing around and just say it. The fact is that one of the reasons they are putting such a big emphasis is because his wife is letting her ego run wild running for senate which should play no role in what the company does everyone knows it but no one says anything, why is it everyone is so scared of Vince? I would rather tell how it is and be fired then be a part of that show considering how great it once was. No blood, no more hardcore and no more cursing and a good match is hard to come by, we are one step away from the Mr. Rogers show. What really needs to happen to change this? I'm sure you noticed but one of the hardest to watch moments last night was seeing the road dogg who had such command with his promos in the attitude era be neutered in one segment back. I just can't understand why it is all the fans who grew up in the attitude era who were always watching and buy stuff have basically been told nice knowing you thanks for making us rich now f*** off
The problem is that they want to go PG to create a new generation of fans and make themselves accessible for children. That's worked but they've also alienated a large portion of their existing fan base. As far as why you don't step up and tell Vince, it's pretty simple. Once you have a job, especially in this economy, you do what is asked of you by your boss. You can try and get things in there that you personally believe are right but you can't cross him, or you will be out of your job. WWE is no different than any other workplace in that regard. As far as why they are scared of him, he's the king and he knows it and throws his weight around.
Now that Jesse Neal is no longer with TNA where does that leave his girlfriend Toxxin of Ink, Inc. (Christina Von Eerie)? What is her status with TNA? Will she now be wrestling alongside her fellow Knockouts or follow Neal?
As of this writing, she is still with TNA, so one would think they would put her with Shannon Moore.
So..CM Punk finally ascends to the official main event scene within WWE. Ratings go up. Merchandise sales go up. Then....the show get incredibly bad/boring. My question is..do you think it's possible that Vince/Hunter/WWE "creative" is doing this on purpose? Vince never really liked pushing someone that he didn't see to be a "star". There's NOOO way he wanted to put punk as one of the MAIN guys. So he pushes punk to the top, tanks the shows, ratings go down, they de-push punk claiming he didnÂ’t draw when the stockholders ask why. Considering I run a business I can't see why anybody would do this, but Vince is a little nutty, so who knows. I really hope I'm wrong on this, but after watching raw this week, and last week, and the week before.ect..I had to ask.
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