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By Trent Van Drisse on 2011-12-09 07:16:12

 Here's the Ohio Valley Wrestling television taping report for December 7th, 2011. Quite a bit going on in OVW right now. December 3rd was the Saturday Night Special, the news coming out of that show was Shiloh Jonze and "Smooth" Johnny Spade captured the OVW Southern Tag Team titles, and Rudy Switchblade retained the OVW Heavyweight title. It had been extremely quiet on the TNA front for the public here since their developmental deal with OVW was announced, but then seemingly at the 11th hour, both Rob Terry and Anarquia(Matt Barela) were both added to, and wrestled at, the December 6th OVW house show in New Albany, Indiana. Barela lives in Louisville, and wrestled for years in OVW as Lowrider, so I fully expected him to start appearing again in OVW anyhow.
This Sunday December 11th will be the OVW Homecoming 6 show at the Davis arena, with a 5 PM bell time. Matt Cappotelli will make a non wrestling appearance at that show.
It was announced the next OVW Saturday Night Special will be on January 7th, and they made some matches for that show at tonights TV taping.
There is a very good article on OVW in the Leo Weekly magazine written by Ann Marshall. It's available at this link, and is worth the read. This magazine is readily available in print form all over Louisville, so great pub for OVW with this piece.

Episode #3 of the OVW Overview podcast with myself and Larry Goodman will be recorded live this Sunday December 11th at 2 PM eastern time. Catch it live, or anytime after that on the archive at this link. Our special guest this Sunday will be OVW rookie sensation Jason Wayne, and we'll probably have some other callers as well.
But back to tonight's taping. The TV announcers were Dean Hill and Kenny Bolin. The ring announcers were Ron Hed and Brittany DeVore. The crowd was again between 90 and 100, and they were again a weird crowd. Dead for large stretches of this taping, but then popped big for certain things, only to die right back down again.

1. Randy Terrez beat Lennox Norris

Dark match. Terrez failed in his bid to become OVW heavyweight champion against Rudy Switchblade, so I guess now he has to climb his way back up. Terrez with some fancy Lucha armdrags early. Terrez chopped Norris hard on the floor. Norris took over and hit a running knee to the head of Terrez in the corner. Terrez came back, and won with his forward Russian leg sweep/face plant finisher.

2. Marcus Anthony w/Christian Mascagni beat Jonnny ???

Also a dark match. Anthony is a somewhat short, but heavily muscled black guy with a head turning look. Picture Mr. T, sans the jewelry, meets Ezekiel Jackson. Mascagni was wearing a neckbrace from Jason Wayne dumping him on the concrete parking lot last Saturday night. Didn't catch the last name of the jobber here, he had "Showtime" on the back of his trunks. Anthony hit a stiff clothesline in the corner, and went on to win with the old Brock Lesnar F-5. Anthony wasn't as impressive as usual here, he almost looked sort of nervous or something.

They had to fix some ring issues at this point.

3. Mohamad Ali Vaez beat Dylan Bostic by submission

This too was a dark match. This was the first qualifying match in the Holiday Havoc "King of Clarksville" tournament, which will culminate at the December 17th OVW house show in Clarksville, Indiana. Botic with a 'rana and a dropkick, but Vaez answered right back with a stiff clothesline on Bostic. Vaez hit his running neckbreaker finisher, but didn't get all of it. Vaez then won by submission with a combination Camel Clutch/Cobra clutch.

The TV taping opened with clips from the main event of the December 3rd Saturday Night Special where Rudy Switchblade w/Christian Mascagni defeated Randy Terrez to retain the OVW title. Special referee Jason Wayne carried meddling manager Mascagni out the side door, and deposited him in the parking lot, but while that was going on, Switchblade gave Terrez a hard chair shot to the head. Wayne came back to the ring, and he knew Switchblade had pulled some type of a cheap stunt, but reluctantly counted the pin.

Out to the ring came the current OVW director of wrestling operations, Trailer Park Trash. TPT asked OVW champion Rudy Switchblade and his manager Christian Mascagni to come out. TPT recapped what went down Saturday Night, then asked Jason Wayne to come out. Mascagni said Jason Wayne had 10 of his ghetto thug buddies attack him in the parking after Wayne threw him down out there. Mascagni said he and Switchblade outsmarted TPT and Jason Wayne, that TPT was a stooge for OVW owner Danny Davis, and that he and Rudy Switchblade don't respect TPT's authority. TPT said per Danny Davis, Rudy Switchblade will defend against Jason Wayne tonight. Mascagni heavily protested this saying the OVW title shouldn't be defended every week. TPT then brought out referee Bill Clark to referee the Switchblade vs Wayne match tonight. Clark hasn't been seen here for months. Mascagni told Clark to go back to Florida. Florida huh??? Hmm....Interesting. Mascagni said this was all a conspiracy against he and Switchblade because OVW doesn't want Switchblade holding the OVW title, and there does appear to be evidence to support that claim. TPT then added that tonights match will be no DQ. What good does it to to bring out a special referee for a no DQ match? A referee is basically powerless then. So-so segment.

Brittany DeVore was backstage interviewing the new OVW Southern tag team champions, "Smooth" Johnny Spade & Shiloh Jonze, who said it felt great to be the champions. Adam Revolver of The Elite interrupted the interview, saying Spade and Jonze shouldn't be the champions because they didn't beat either of the Elite to win it. Spade and Jonze won the match as part of a three way tag, and The Elite were the champions going into that match. The other team in it was Tony Gunn and James Onno, and Spade pinned Gunn to win it.
The other half of the Elite, Ted McNaler, then got into Revolver's face, because tonight is going to be Elite vs Elite, Revolver vs McNaler for Revolver's OVW TV title. Revolver wanted no part of a match against McNaler tonight.
Then, Raul Lamotta ran by, with James "Moose" Thomas, Rocco Bellago, and Prince Bolin frantically chasing after him.   Meanwhile, a short ways down the hall, the mentally ill Tony Gunn was talking to James Onno. Onno said Gunn was weird, and he didn't wish to team with him anymore. Hell, that was no surprise. Onno walked out on Gunn during the match Saturday night. When Onno turned around, Gunn hit Onno with Ralphie, the loaded in more ways than one, stuffed bear. Johnny Spade and Shiloh Jonze made the save for Onno. Wow, quite the chaotic segment there.

4. Joe Coleman beat Brandon Espinosa

This was the first match of the TV taping, and was a qualifying match for the "King of Clarksville" tournament. Paredyse came out and joined Dean Hill and Kenny Bolin at the desk for this match. Espinosa was at the desk for Paredyse' match last week, as Paredyse and Espinosa continue to go tit for tat with each other. Espinosa in control of Coleman, and made several comments at Paredyse at the same time. The crowd was quiet here. Paredyse got up on the announce desk, and gyrated. Paredyse then went to ringside, kissed Espinosa on the mouth, which allowed Coleman to roll up Espinosa for the upset win. This was Coleman's first TV win in OVW. Coleman looks a lot like Wolverine. Espinosa appeared to have a bloody nose, possibly from the kiss of Paredyse. The crowd chanted "Brandon likes it".

Raphael Constantine and Chris Silvio were talking backstage. These two teamed up, both as faces and heels, as "Fighting Spirit", but were forced to break up forever about a year ago. Constantine asked Silvio why he had cameras back here. Hell, why are cameras anywhere in pro wrestling? Silvio said they were for his SilvioTV show. The audio was very bad here, so this was hard to hear, but tag teaming was mentioned, though Constantine was clearly unimpressed with how weird his former parter is acting nowadays. Silvio complained about losing a six person tag this past Saturday night, saying his team only lost because of the girls. Benny Bray came into the room, and said it will be himself vs Silvio one on one on January 7th, and that Silvio would have no one else to blame for losing then.

5. Taeler Hendrix beat Lady JoJo w/Taryn Shay to retain the OVW Womens title

JoJo was berating Taryn Shay before the match began. Hendrix in a new outfit here. JoJo with a big slap on Hendrix early, followed by a suplex. Shay got up on the ring apron, and JoJo crashed into Shay by accident, causing Shay to take a big bump off the apron. Hendrix then hit her legdrop finisher on JoJo to win the match, and retain the womens title. Short match. Lady JoJo threw a screaming tantrum afterwords.

Dean Hill and Kenny Bolin as the desk talked about the article on OVW in Leo Weekly.

Out to the ring came one legged Iraq war hero Michael Hayes. Hayes was sporting a really nasty looking shiner on his left eye. Hayes said the last 5 years have been long and hard for him, but he went from being told he'd never walk again, to taking on the best in OVW. Hayes said Mohamad Ali Vaez has tried to end his dream, but it will never end. Hayes spoke about Vaez stealing his fake leg, and putting his hands on his mother. Hayes said Vaez has brought in people from his past, but it hasn't stopped him. Hayes said on January 7th he was challenging Vaez to a one on one steel cage match.
Trailer Park Trash was talking to his good friend, and former tag team parter, Jack Black backstage. Black is now walking with a cane following his recent surgery. TPT asked Black how he was doing. Black said the Doctor told him he needs to lose about 175 pounds to be able to walk without the cane. TPT asked Black about wrestling again. Black said right now he was just trying to get back healthy, and be able to walk again. Black said he would come back and see TPT at some point.

6. Ted McNaler beat Adam Revolver to win the OVW TV title

Elite vs Elite here. Revolver took the mic and tried hard to talk McNaler out of doing this match, saying the people don't want to see it. Revolver took the mic in the ring, still trying to talk McNaler out of it, while trying to get in a sneak attack on McNaler if he ever dropped his guard for an instant, which McNaler was totally aware of. McNaler gave Revolver a spinning toe hold, with Revolver still on the mic playing his mind games. McNaler applied a Figure Four to Revolver. The crowd had no idea what the Hell to make of this, and were very quiet here. The Elite collided hard in mid ring, which knocked McNaler out of the ring. Revolver apologized for hitting McNaler in the face on the collision. Both guys trading big chops back and forth in the ring. McNaler with his butterfly suplex on Revolver. Ron Hed announced just one minute remaining in the TV time limit. Revolver went to the floor to stall and run the clock out. McNaler gave chase, leading to a "vintage"(?) OVW track meet spot. They tend to over do that type of stuff here. McNaler managed to hit his spear finisher on Revolver, and pinned him to win the OVW TV title with one second left in the time limit. Eh, like I said the crowd was quiet and perplexed with this one. I thought the finish just came off way too cutesy. One partner beating the other, who was trying to run away, with one second left on the clock. Adam Revolver, a man super desperate for titles in OVW, is now suddenly belt less.

They went to outback of the Davis arena, on the steps, where Bolin Services 2.0 were still giving frantic chase to Raul Lamotta. Wow, these guys all have some serious cardio. While this was going on, Lady JoJo was sitting on the back steps, crying. Referee Chris Sharpe tried to console her. When Sharpe walked away, Lady JoJo instantly turned off the tears, and got a "I've got a plan" devious look on her face.

Rudy Switchblade beat Jason Wayne to retain the OVW Heavyweight title in a no DQ match

TV main event time. Bill Clark was the ref here. Trailer Park Trash came out before the match, and said he forgot to add earlier that Danny Davis also said Christian Mascagni was banned from ringside for this match. How can anyone be banned from anything in a no DQ match? Makes no sense really. Switchblade attacked Jason Wayne, and the match was on. Wayne came back and pitched Switchblade over the top rope. Switchblade said enough of this crap, took the OVW title belt, and left, only to be thrown back into the ring by Trailer Park Trash. Switchblade returned the favor and pitched Wayne over the top rope. Switchblade choking Wayne with a cable on the floor. Back in the ring, Wayne with a Samoan drop on Switchblade, which popped the crowd. Switchblade shoved ref Bill Clark down.
Switchblade with his "Wake up call" Walls of Jericho submission on Wayne. Switchblade moved some mats away on the floor. Both guys fought on the outside. Switchblade went for a piledriver on Wayne on the exposed concrete, but Wayne countered it and backdropped Switchblade. Wayne then choked Switchblade with a cable on the floor. Wayne was huffing and puffing like a freight train. Switchblade hit Wayne with a chair, then went for his Frogsplash finisher on him in the ring, but Wayne moved out of harms way. Wayne hit his full nelson slam finisher on Switchblade, but Marcus Anthony ran out and hit an F-5 on Wayne, which allowed Switchblade to beat Wayne to retain the OVW title.
It appeared that Switchblade and Mascagni had outsmarted everyone again, but then suddenly a man ran out with a hooded sweatshirt over his face, and violently attacked Switchblade. The man then revealed himself to be the returning Mike Mondo, who has not been seen here since going out on a stretcher at the November Saturday Night Special after Switchblade hung Mondo over the top rope with a bull rope. Mondo went wild here, choking Switchblade with the OVW title belt, and yelling that he was going to kill Switchblade while Mascagni was in panic mode on the floor.
This was far from OVW's best show tonight, but it was an improvement over last weeks below average offering. Send any feedback to

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