About his wrestling school " B2 Wrestling School". and what are his thoughts on the next generation superstars in professional wrestling today, and getting trained in wrestling the right way: "There's just a lack of places for guys to go, If you can find someone to train you, you go right to the big show which is WWE. There's lots of indy promotions out there, but there's a big difference doing this part time and making a big living doing this. Cause when your living your lives on this, your living a little more pro-active. And you realize your only getting paid is if your putting the people in the seats". What lead to his return to Monday Night RAW on Nov 14/2011 on the segment "This is your life" with Mick Foley and John Cena. How did he get contacted about making that appearance: "Johnny called me and said they had an idea and asked if I was available, and I said shoot yea, so they flew me up to Boston. It was a lot of fun, cause I got to meet some of the guys that I haven't got a chance to meet. I got to hang out with some my buddies, Big Show, The Armstrongs, Teddy Long, Mark Henry. It was a lot of fun man, a lot of fun"
Sharing stories about teaming with The Big Bossman (Ray Traylor ), and also taking about what was it like working and traveling with Ray Traylor: "Ray was one of the greatest guys Ive ever met. He really got me straight with the money, He'd really showed me a lot in the ring, and really showed me a lot of the stuff outside the ring. Traveling with him was a blast, but at times it would be a roller coaster (laughs)."
Any plans for him to write a book in the future about his career in professional wrestling: "I don't know, I've seen a lot of guys do that. I really don't know if I got anything to say that anyone would actually pay to hear ( laughs). To me, some of the best stuff never gets told."
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