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By Dave Scherer on 2011-11-24 09:22:17
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Do you think they should have had more of the team elimination matches on the survivor series card? They had the space for it. I feel like they missed the boat to showcase more talent. Your thoughts on why they don't feel the PPV would sell if it was 80 percent "traditional?"

Honestly, I really don't think that they needed more traditional matches.  Back in the days when there weren't competitive matches on TV, the concept was a good one but today guys face off every week in what would have been PPV quality matches years ago.  So, the bloom has come off the rose where the Series concept is concerned.

You'd think that by now Rock would realize that it is vital all this "boots to asses" talk gets walked! In my opinion I don't think its a stretch to say WWE is on its last legs because they're creating a global warming like disaster. Its almost as if they're torn between the accelerator and brakes ( which can be deadly) and scared to change their product because they're either afraid of loosing their hard earned youthful "universe" or afraid of experimenting outside the formula at the expense of not being able to attract its heyday publicity. Watching "Wrestling Entertainment" should mean watching wrestling entertainment not General Hospital, and if it's publicity and cash they're after, with all they're talent I think they could capitalize on that much more now than they could 5 years ago. What I'm getting at is since questions/comments/theories seem to be trending on this amazing website, is the notion that the reason booking has stunk of stinkface as of late is because they are waiting for Wrestlemania 28/Dwayne aka their super bowls and world series respectively to unleash a new wave of business upon all eyez on Mania too far fetched? If it is please warn me now and instruct me and the voiceless how to watch ROH!

There has definitely been an element of building toward whenever they could get Rock on TV but I think the bigger problem has been Vince McMahon's insistence on forcing his vision down our throats, even when we show him that many of us don't want it.  He had a great program brewing with CM Punk and John Cena this summer, one that actually made Cena interesting to people over 10 years old, and instead of calling an audible and rolling with it, he instead stuck to his plan and killed the momentum.  That unwillingness to adapt to what the audience wants is a bigger issue to me than "waiting for the Rock".

I saw a few days ago you had a story about their being heat on Zack Ryder.  I appreciate that it was a subscription only story and you need to make money to stay in business but can you tell us now what it was?

Thanks for understanding about the need for the Elite site.  In a nutshell, the Elite subscribers bring in the revenue needed to allow us to put as much information on the free site as we do.  We pride ourselves on posting more original news on our free side than any other site on the web and the Elite site makes that possible.  As for Ryder, the heat stems from the fact that he changed his hair color without telling anyone in the company.  They have just run a new batch of merchandise for him based on his look with the darker hair.  The talents need to remember that their look is not just theirs, it's WWE's too and they need to corroborate with the company when making changes.

How did John Cena get away with saying the word "wrestling" on the 11/14 Raw?

CM Punk has been saying it too.  Basically, WWE has relaxed the traditional buzzwords as ratings have gone down. I will give them credit for that.

Did Vince McMahon change his middle name from Kennedy to Twitter?

Not yet but it would not shock me if he does so any day now. Obviously, the company is obsessed with Twitter right now.  They  feel it's a way to get in front of eyeballs and bring awareness to their brand (well Vince McMahon does anyway), so they are pushing it hard. Too hard in my opinion.  After a while, all of the talk about it becomes white noise.  I get that they want to get people to watch Raw and all but here is the deal, every time it gets interesting the numbers rise.  People are already aware, they are just waiting to be given a reason to come and watch.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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