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By Dave Scherer on 2011-11-15 09:56:00
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Hi, love your site and your Q&A section, but I'm having a tough time understanding something. I'm crazy if I insult or attack a heel wrestler in the airport or anywhere because it's just a character that they play on TV. But I'm a sane man if I completely ignore a character called "Chris Benoit" just because the "actor/wrestler" who played it had the same name and killed his family? Dynamite Kid was a huge bully and a HUGE a-hole. I don't see you making the point that bullies shouldn't be celebrated, in fact, I see you lobbying for the WWE Hall of Fame. What gives? I'm not saying to induct Chris Benoit in the HoF, but at least recognize the character in WWE programing.

I don't understand people that think like you.  If you don't see the huge difference between a real person and a character on TV, I don't know how I can explain it to you.  All I can say is that what a guys does as a character in WWE is an act while what a guy does off camera is the real person and there is a huge difference between the two.  The heel on TV is not (definitively) that person in real life.  Benoit the murderer IS that person when you watch his matches.  And yes, Dynamite Kid was a bully too, but he isn't a murderer.  Benoit is.

This is perhaps an unanswerable, and possibly theoretical question... but doesn't it appear that VKM is intentionally holding some wrestlers down and unduly pushing others. I think the net effect is to have everyone in a kinda-over status. That way they can control all wrestlers' popularity and not have any breakout stars they can't keep control of - to stop one entity from being the driving force of the company - like when Austin got fed up and left.... they were left scrambling to fill the void. My theory is that they would rather have a number of tepid superstars than one white-hot breakout star. Kind of evening the popularity factor over a number of wrestlers vs a few outrageously popular ones - and then the rest.

That makes as much sense as any other reason one could come up with as to why McMahon doesn't truly commit to pushing most of the wrestlers.  It could also be that when a worker doesn't get over to a huge degree after a few weeks of being pushed that Vince loses interest. I honestly have no idea why he does most of the things that he does.

Actually, not a question, just a statement. You gave the greatest answer ever when you wrote “I’ve got nothing.” Seriously, I laughed my ass off. Thank you! Great site, and keep up the good work.

Thanks.  Comments that put us over always have a place in the Q and A!

After the concussion storyline in TNA with Mr. Anderson, how can they allow James Storm to keep on wrestling after reports of his head injury?? It either shows up the concussion as being storyline, or shows the company up for being stupid and him up for being weak in allowing himself to be pressured into competing.

Damn, too bad I already used "I got nothing".  OK, well it's TNA.  Logic takes a backseat there.  Thinking things out in advance often rides back there with logic. 

With The Rock and John Cena going at it at Wrestlemania, would do you think would be the best choice to win (assuming it doesn't end horribly in a countout or a DQ)? The Rock, who I assume would, for him, be more or less a one off deal or John Cena who is sticking around on a full time basis and may not want to lose to someone just coming in for a one shot deal no matter WHO he is. This is NOTHING against the Rock since I really enjoy him and taking away nothing for what he has done for the company in the past but still...... And yes, I know that if Vince told Cena to lose, I know he would but again.....

It all depends on what Rock's plans are post Mania.  If Rock is going to stay around, he could easily go over.  If he is done after Mania, Cena should win.  I just hope it's not a big screwjob finish.  They shouldn't end the match that way after building it up over the years.

I thought that John Laurinaitis was Road Warrior Animal (after all the camera shots of him when his kid was at Ohio State). Are they brothers or is this guy just a character?

John is younger brother Animal (Joe).

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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