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By Dave Scherer on 2011-11-16 09:40:43
You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

Hypothetically, had Bret Hart not been injured by Goldberg in 2000 and the WWE would've still bought WCW out, would WWE have bought out Bret's contract and brought him in like they did with Booker T, Mike Awesome, etc.? Or, in another way, were there any talks at the time, internally to WWE, about Bret being a possibility in coming back to WWE? I remember on the last Nitro when they were showing some WCW guys, Vince was commenting on whether they would be brought in (Jeff Jarrett was defiantly told no). I wonder what would've happened if Bret was still there under contract.

Nope, for a few reasons.  One, Vince McMahon told Bret to leave for WCW because he didn't want to pay him a million dollars a year.  He sure wouldn't have wanted to pay him almost three times that.  Plus, in some cases the talent had to agree to have the contract be transferred.  I don't remember if Bret's deal was like that but if it was given his anger with McMahon there is no way he would have agreed to go back to WWE.

My question is do you ever get tired of over analyzing the business? I know it's your job but it must take some of the fun out of just watching to see what will happen next. I ask because I find myself doing the same thing and it takes some of the enjoyment out of the product when I can't just take it as it is. I think most hardcore wrestling fans feel that we know how everything should be booked and when it's different we get bent out of shape instead of just waiting to see what will happen next. I know that there is a ton of things that could be/should be done differently in both TNA and WWE and that's not really what I'm talking about. I mean over analyzing to the point where every match has to have a meaning. Why over analyze every match? Sometimes it can just be two guys having a match where it doesn't matter who goes over. Unless there is something at stake, who even remembers who wins after the next week of TV?

I only get tired of it when the product is bad.  Even before I did this for a living I analyzed it because that is how my mind works.  I don't over-analyze anything to be honest.  I watch things and if they are good, that is how I see them.  If they are not, I see them that way.  You last statement is telling.  If you don't remember who wrestled from week to week and they don't make you care about what they are doing, they are doing a very poor job.

What happened to TNA's Pope D'Angelo Dinero? One minute he was on TV wrestling and the next week he was gone? Is he injured? Did he quit or get fired?

He is there, he is just not being used.  TNA totally dropped his program with Devon and he was squashed on Impact last week.  He didn't quit or get fired, he just stopped getting pushed.  Why, only TNA creative can answer that one.

You think they'll stick with the 40-man concept at the next Royal Rumble or go back to the traditional 30? And what did you think of last year's 40-man concept? Personally, I thought it was worth a try just once, but in the end it just came off feeling like overkill to me, not to mention that it felt less special since it seemed as if EVERYONE was in the match (minus the guys in the two title matches).

I am not sure what they will do but I agree with you, 40 people is just too many.  Given the size of the roster now I don't think there is any need to do 40 guys again.  30 works perfectly.

I saw November 6ths question on Chris Benoit and it just reminded me of how his and Eddy Guerrero's work got me hooked on pro wrestling and how it all ended for him and his family. Yeah, he's a monster, regardless of how damaged his brain was. He owed himself, his family and his employers and coworkers to get help, and he didn't and now his resume of great matches are just wrecked by his actions. With the way things are in wrestling, I'm really, really missing Eddy Guerrero. That was a heartbreaking loss, that's always going to be a sad thing to remember. I was just wondering what kind of feud he could have had with CM Punk. Wikipedia say they feuded over the IWA Mid-South Heavyweight title. Love this site, always will, don't look any where else for the hard facts on the sport.

Eddie Guerrero was a true great and his passing is so sad.  It's hard to believe it's been six years since his passing and I still miss him.  If he had a program with Punk in WWE it would have been great, just like every program Eddie had.  He is an all-time great.

You can send us questions for the Q&A by clicking here.

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