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By Mike Johnson on 2011-11-11 10:00:00

A lot of wrestlers has released autobiographies/books in recent years. Who hasn't so far released an autobiography that you wish did?

I've always thought that Pat Patterson would have a hell of an interesting story to tell, but in terms of being someone who came to the United States to become a star as well as being an out in the open gay man during that time period, plus he was one of the best bookers of all time.

It is widely accepted that Vince McMahon created the "sports entertainment" model that we see today, by raiding and/or taking over the various territories back in the day. But now that he is older he seems to lack the foresight to see what the next step for the future of pro wrestling might be, even if were to be a step into the past for more realism in the storylines. What do you see as the future for this style of entertainment, and can you think of anyone capable of taking hold of the business and taking it up another level?

I think the business will be exactly what it is currently until the day Vince McMahon passes away.  Then, we'll see a lot of people trying to figure out what he would have done.

I know this has been asked before but what were the circumstances leading to the end of WCW?

It had been run through the ground through bad decision making and poor booking and was losing a ton of money.  AOL and Time-Warner were in a merger and Time Warner wanted to get rid of all albatrosses from around its next.  So, the plan was to sell it off and keep it as TV programming.  Instead, when Jamie Kellner was put in charge of the Turner stations, he decided to cancel it outright.  With no TV slots, it was a worthless company and was purchased by WWE for pretty much a pittance.

I know that this subject has already been addressed but I thought it needed to be again. Commentators for WWE use monitors to describe the action even though they are seated within a few feet of the ring. Why need monitors when your that close? I realize the cameras give a more different view of the action but only a small percentage than actually viewing it without the use of both cameras/monitors. Why use them? Have they ever tried to do a match without them?

They are trying to tell the story that viewers see via the camera angles. If something happens on the opposite side of the ring from you, you can't call it properly, so you use the monitors.  It's long time practice and is never going to change.

Do you see WWE Diva Eve Torres turning heel?

Sooner or later, don't all the Divas?

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