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By Stacey Davidson on 2011-11-06 16:21:05
X Division champion Austin Aries defeated Jesse Sorensen.

Knockouts champion Velvet Sky defeated ODB.

Mr. Anderson defeated Abyss by DQ when Abyss hit Anderson with a chair.

James Storm defeated Magnus in a short match. Storm gave Magnus a beer, Magnus starting talking and superkicked and pinned. About 30 seconds.

AJ Styles defeated Gunner. Styles looked like he was hurt. Gunner threw AJ over the top rope and AJ went to land on the apron and fell off to the floor. The ref when out to check out him as Gunner stalled by yelling at the fans. The ref came in the ring said something to Gunner who went out and threw AJ in lifted on his shoulder AJ slid down Pele kicked him and it was over. AJ started holding his ankle. Two guys came out and checked on him as AJ limped to the back.

*Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy defeated Bully Ray and Scott Steiner.

Ric Flair did a promo saying that no matter how hard he tries he still cant get people to hate him. He thanked everyone for coming and supporting TNA and talked about all the great wrestlers in the company like AJ Styles. He said that if he could get his hair to grow back he probably could last another 10 years in the business. He did the usual strut, then bounced off the ropes and strutted again. He told anyone who had young kids in the crowd to cover there eyes then told some lady he was going to give her this tonight and started thrusting the ropes like he was banging her.

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