Does it frustrate you to continually have to point out obvious things that WWE continues to do wrong, often with facts that prove your statements true, only to have them continue doing the same things wrong?
Yes, that is the perfect word to describe it, frustration. It would be a lot more to talk about things that they are doing right that are entertaining people and drawing money rather than continually wondering why they do stupid things. But, my job is to cover the business so that is what I do.
How can WWE look at their recent financial numbers and say they are doing things correctly and are heading in the right direction with the company?
They are delusional? Seriously, I don't expect them to address their stockholders by saying, "We have been a bunch of jackasses and we have seen the error of our ways" but I would hope that internally that they could do so. Unfortunately, this has been going for a while now so apparently when they think things are going fine they believe it so I am back to them being delusional.
Just one thought… seems to me they are booking Alberto the same piss poor way they booked the Miz when he was champion. No matter how hard they tried Miz didn’t get over the way they wanted him too, and he did a TON of publicity, and in my opinion he tried very hard. So why didn’t they learn from that? Miz had some celebrity from the Real World, so it was easier to get him booked on talk shows and what not, and they still failed. I can’t see ADR doing the same, or near the same, amount of publicity, so what is their logic behind his booking? When Cena is champ (and even when he is not champ), he is Superman, so what can't ADR be Superman, too? I’m thinking we should start a petition to get VKM out of creative once and for all!
WWE looks at heels as wimpy guys lucky to have the belt and John Cena as indestructible and the real champ, whether he has the belt or not. The problem is, what gets fans interested is when guys are equal and you aren't sure who is going to win. It also gets us to spend money on the product. I agree with you, it's nuts for them to keep making the same mistake over and over again.
Johnny Weaver wrestled just about every one of the WWE inductees. He was old NWA and a major draw everywhere he went. Don't think he wrestled in WWE but he helped the guys that went to WWE.
You didn't really ask a question. If you were wondering if I thought he was worthy of the WWE Hall Of Fame, which is what this reads like, yes I would put him in.
When counting a pinfall the ref's count lasts for about the 3 seconds you'd expect, but when counting wrestlers who are down on the canvas, or outside the ring, the count is taken at a much slower cadence, rendering the idea of a 10-count as being somewhat invalid. I was brought up on the old UK wrestling where all counts ran at the same tempo, and you had 10 seconds to get up or back in the ring. Matches moved quicker because of this, and you knew where you were. Particularly last man standing matches become farces when the 10 "seconds" a wrestler has to get up lasts for nearly 30.
Again we don't have a question here! Folks, this is a Q and A column so please adhere to the Q part. To address your statement, wrestling is not a true fight so the promoters take liberties in an attempt to add drama. I don't have a problem with them taking some extra time with the count.
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