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I watch TNA and I don't understand why they let James Storm win the title instead of Bobby Roode. It doesn't make any sense.
You think it doesn't make sense now? Just wait. If you listen to Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, it was all part of a master plan. If you use common sense, you realized that they did a 180 on Roode at the last minute, heard the outcry from their fans then reacted. It made no sense at all to just not pull the trigger on Roode in the top spot after the great build up that they did.
Big Show broke the ring…….again??? And the announcers all act like they had never seen such a thing? Really? I guess after a couple years the memory fades, or at least creative thinks ours do.
I will bust on WWE for a lot of things but I won't here. Mark Henry and Big Show made for a cool visual. I have no problem with the way that they sold the spot.
Do you think that HHH would book himself in a match at Wrestlemania with Nash thinking that it would rank up there with the Rock and Cena as the other ‘Main Event’? I have an uneasy feeling that this is where all this is going… Remember the HIAC match they had in 2003? Does anyone even remember the horrendous feud they had back in 2003? Does anyone even care they had a feud in 2003? Hell HHH and Nash or so old, do they even remember they had feud in 2003? I’m getting a headache.
I think (hope) he realizes that this feud won't have the legs to go that long. At least, I HOPE he does. Even though Nash is his friend I would think he realizes how limited the guy is and would know that him taking on Nash isn't even close to Rock taking on Cena. I am with you. If their match(es) end(s) up being decent it's a huge accomplishment given Nash's limitations. He was average at best in the ring when he was younger. So given the way that WWE has been booking lately, it probably means we will see those two wrestle at Mania. Ugh.
Any chance on Carlito coming back to the WWE? He's a talent I miss watching.
You never say never but I don't see him coming back any time soon. Down the road, you never know. But for now, not so much.
When reading wrestling site, I often see the author use the word "revealed" in the headline. I hate when they do that as it feels like I am reading a supermarket rag. How do you feel about that word?
Actually, I hate it too. It sounds so sensationalistic and tawdry to me. But more so, it lacks creativity. I am with you, I don't like it either.
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