Mike Adamle or John Laurinaitis - Who is the worse on air personality? Please exclude Adamle's American Gladiator work from this equation.
I will say that Adamle is better because while he was really bad on WWE programming he was kind of entertaining in car wreck kind of way. Laurinaitis is just boring to me. With that said, I don't think either should be on WWE TV.
What has the "Japanese Buzz Saw" Tajiri been up to? Last I heard he started his own school in Japan.
I know he worked for some spots in Europe earlier this year but other than that he is largely living in Japan.
It seems that only lower or mid-card talent are the only ones presently failing the wellness policy. Do you think it's because they have yet to adopt WWE standards, they have something to prove to the other boys, or they simply cannot afford the masking agents?
I know that WWE tests all of the guys, from the main event to the opening match. I am not on to sling arrows at people but you make a good point in that masking agents are expensive and the more money you have to spend, well you get the picture.
Does WWE Creative understand anything concerning ring psychology and long-term planning? I am asking this because, from what I have heard on your site, this week on Smackdown they are promoting a mask vs. mask match between the two Sin Caras. Is this Creative's way of thinking, that, because they are in Mexico they will have this type of match, thinking it will get over with the locals? Isn't a mask vs. mask match supposed to be the culmination of months (or even years) worth of hatred between two wrestlers? I guess that they don't want to concern themselves with the finer points of the business, and instead, want to hotshot everything these days. Just ask CM Punk.
You make a great point. Long term planning is becoming a relic from days gone by. WWE does a Hell In A Cell PPV as a transition show. So yes, you are totally correct. To be fair, things have to move more quickly than they used to but that doesn't mean that they shouldn't book long term.
I was going to send a question/rant after BFG but though I'd leave it but I've just read Mike's excellent and true article on Hogan and Bischoff trying to swerve the fans just for the sake to try and fool us 'marks', when will Dixie Carter wake up and think to herself, 'hang on a minute I'm paying these guys loads of money to get us to a level where we can compete with WWE and grow as a company and all they have done is made themselves the poster boys of the company and made it all about them, brought some buddies in that have done nothing for ratings, demoted AJ Styles to mid card who has been the face of TNA since the beginning and was example to everything good about TNA, ruined the X division un til removing most of its roster and decided to fix it months later, totally flattened all the work we did with Samoa Joe to make him a monster submission machine and now he's not won in ages and does not look a threat at all. The tag team division has 2 teams, ink inc and a copy of lax what we did a few years back, the ratings are the same going up and down a bit, and only push talent have been given was the Bobby Roode push which apparently was to make him look the strongest out of fortune then give storm his first reign after a super kick which does not make him look like he was much stronger than Kurt Angle'. When will she wake up and realize all of this and cut ties after their new contracts have expired. TNA despite its many faults and does get over criticized is still a work in progress and needs stability and to make its home grown first, after you guys did the report and thoughts on an episode of impact you guys seemed pleased that Styles Storm Roode where pushed and were the main focus and my friends and on some chat rooms all though that was the best episode in a long time. Trying to alienate the fans on this beer money/heavyweight swerve jabroni marks thing should be the last straw.
She won't be cutting ties any time soon since she just renewed their deals. To be fair, they do have value to the company but they just have too much power and they have hurt the overall product in my opinion. When you look at attendance figures, ratings and other financial indicators, they are right where they were before those two came in for the most part. That tells me that TNA isn't getting the value from them that they should. TNA was able to draw the same numbers without them and are now paying more money to do the same with them. In the end we all need to be judged on what we bring to the table.
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