With Awesome Kong out on Mat Leave, it just got me wondering if any female wrestlers were ever with a big company, had a child, and then come back? I know that most women would have to be concerned with their bodies bouncing back into their "Diva" like figure, but luckily, Kong won't have to worry about that.
I remember Akira Hokuto did so in Japan back in the late 90s. Also keep in mind that Sable had a child before she ever became a big star so if the lady works at getting her body back in shape it can happen.
Will the WWE Championship belt ever change, or will it reign as long as Super Cena is around? If yes, when do you think they will swap it?
I think it will change designs at some point because it is just so damned ugly now, but as long as Cena is on top it will probably remain as it is.
What the hell happened??? Flashback... RAW was boring the crap out of me and I was FF'ing (at 4x nonetheless) through 99% of the show and I felt about CM Punk about the same as I used to feel about XPac. Then the whole will he re-sign / live mike / shoot angle started and he quickly won me over and I was down to FF'ing through 85% of the show. Suddenly a few months later CM Punk and his "mortal enemy" John Cena are BFFs and WWE has once again ruined an intriguing storyline and I'm back to FF'ing through 99% of the show. Seems like I'm not the only one as didn't the ratings recently show that about a million viewers tuned out as well???
And it even got worse with HHH now pals with Punk too. What happened is what always happens in WWE, they have crammed Punk into their mold of what a top babyface is. In the process, they have completely ignored the things that got him over, the reality of his character and the fact that he was different from everyone else in the company. It's frustrating to see them do this kind of thing over and over again. You would think that when customers speak, a company would listen.
I don’t watch TNA. I have tried, though not recently, but I just can’t sit thru it. So I am certainly not an expert on them, but I have to ask, Hulk Hogan? Seriously? I admit he was a good draw back in the day (1985), although he always was and always will be a horrible wrestler. I never liked him whether it was in the ring or during his promos. I was always in the minority on this, but I never understood his appeal. He isn’t attractive (I’m a girl) and he has no technical skills, and he has done NOTHING that I can see to help TNA. Why do they keep him? Why do they let him say the things he says? He is such an egomaniac it is sickening and tiresome, and although I am not a fan of TNA I know AJ Styles is one hell of a talent. There are so many young wrestlers out there not getting a chance because of old farts like Hogan, who have absolutely nothing to contribute. I have this same beef with WWE everytime I see Santino Marella, but at least Santino isn’t an arrogant, washed-up old has-been who can’t deal with the fact that his ship has sailed. So my question is, what is TNA’s logic in keeping him around? I would think the salary he demands, but doesn’t earn, would bankrupt them.
TNA keeps him around because they feel that his national stature helps the company. In some ways it does and I am not saying that he should be cut loose but he certainly should not be the dominant character on Impact at his age. He also should do a much better job representing the company when he does interview. Overall though I agree with you. I think he is overpaid in his role and pushed too hard on TV.
Is there a more duplicitous person in wrestling than Eric Bischoff? TNA does a great rating after their biggest show of the year and he takes a shot at the wrestling media. Doesn't he realize that they did a 1.41 for Impact after last year's Bound For Glory show? Of course, he will never admit that. He just takes one nugget and presents it completely out of context. How does this guy have a job?
I haven't met everyone in the business so I can't say that there isn't someone more duplicitous and slippery than Bischoff but I have a hard time believing that there is. He has a job because is very good at saying the right things to the right people. To be fair, he also has a good eye for production and understand the TV business. But he also can be childish and duplicitous and in my opinion could do more for TNA helping their product rather than wasting his time taking shots at people. He should be above that in my opinion and I think his rants reflect poorly on TNA.
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