I don't care if you answer my question or not. I just have to vent to someone after watching the OCT.10 Raw. HUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHH! I'm so mad I don't have the patience to go through any points. This RAW was like watching Nitro circa 2000. What are your thoughts?
I couldn't agree with you more. I made the same Nitro reference that you did. Last week's Raw was one of the worst of all time.
Are Vince McMahon and WWE management aware of the awful Monday Night Raw from October 10th? What is their reaction? What does Vince think about that debacle?
Knowing Vince he isn't and given John Laurinaitis was a focal point of Smackdown I get the impression that he is not aware. With that said, the viewers sent a very clear message in turning the show off as over 700,000 of them left from hour one to hour two. They made it clear that they were interested in seeing what WWE would do with the walk out and once they found out, that is exactly what they did, WALK OUT! We will see tonight if Vince learned anything from last week's train wreck.
So Triple H is out of power, Laurinaitis gets the power, and all of the superstars come back to work...only to have 3 beatdowns occur on Raw? Weren't they protesting because they felt they were in an unsafe work environment while Triple H ran things?
There are so many logic holes that we could point to with this mess of a storyline and yours is just one of them. Unfortunately.
Hey, guys. Talk me off the ledge -- tell me that the current Triple H storyline is not leading to HHH going commando and single-handedly destroying the entire RAW roster as "revenge" for them walking out on him. Given that he been the focal point of the show and in his first match back he booked himself to go over CM Punk, the single biggest star the company has created in the past ten years (with no rematch in sight, might I add), I fear we might be seeing the depressing sight of HHH simply pedigreeing and pinning everyone in sight. Tell me I'm crazy, please!
You are crazy. Not because I don't see HHH becoming a focal point of WWE, because I do, but rather because you think he would waste his time with 95% of the roster. THAT will never happen. Maybe he will surprise me and do the right thing for the company by making new stars but I will not hold my breath waiting for that to happen.
A question and a point: Was Jim Ross really unaware of his "firing" ahead of time? Call me skeptical, but it just seems a little too much like a way to make us stop yawning at Johnny "Thank God For DVR" Ace and start hating him instead. As for the point, with the current mood in the country towards rich people being a bit less than favorable and Linda going up for her second time at bat, I would think the whole J.R. thing (real or not) would have to strike at least someone in WWE as being just a little bit tone deaf. ...or are they actually that dense?
I take Ross at his word. If he says it wasn't cleared, I believe him. They have fired him before. They have embarrassed him in home state numerous times. They blindsided him when they moved to Smackdown. So yes, Vince McMahon is obviously that dense. He would counter he is telling great stories. I would counter that over 700,000 people last Monday disagree with him.
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