I know that The Rock vs. John Cena will be huge, however CM Punk has a point that Rock shouldn't be in the main event at WrestleMania especially if there are worthy guys or a big enough match to sell the show. But this is sports entertainment and you gotta go with what sales. My question is does Punk have a point and that this match doesn't need to be the finale or is this match so big that it has to be the MAIN EVENT? Also on a side note, seeing as there have only been four WM's that ended with a non title match how much more special and /or big does that make this match between Rock/Cena? between Rock/Cena?
You can have a headlining match that doesn't have to be the main event and that could be the case here. With that said, Rock is such a big name that he is a headliner whether the existing roster likes it or not. He has to be marketed that way. I don't think the match needs to go on last, but I don't have any problem if it does.
For example: Andre Johnson signs a contract with the Houston Texans and every media outlet reports he signed for "X" amount of dollars. Just wondering why you guys don't report a Superstars amount of a contract?
The difference is that in the NFL there are a lot of people involved in the process so the numbers get out, sometimes intentionally. In WWE, it's generally just the worker and the company, and WWE doesn't give that information so it it leaked out, they would know where it came from.
Where will the 2012 Royal Rumble be? I heard it was suppose to be in Toronto.
Randy Orton recently stated at a signing that it will be in St. Louis, Mo.
This whole storyline with HHH and the walkout is just plain depressing. There are holes and contradictions everywhere, especially with VKM's appearance on Raw. It's just sad that the lack of creativity and foresight in "creative" (And I use that term VERY loosely), has reached the level it has. Oh well…maybe I needed a break from watching wrestling for a while. After all, I have only been watching it for over 45 years. But it must be tough for you guys who write and talk about it for a living.
I have the best job in the world but yes it's a lot more fun to do it when there are good things to cover and this angle has not been one of them. All I can hope is that WWE realizes how badly they have dropped the ball and move on.
I just ordered the Timeline Of ECW 1994 Hardcore Pack from Kayfabe Commentaries and had a question about the legalities of KC, through RF Video, selling three discs of footage of 1994 ECW. Isn't there something WWE could legally do about another party selling what they own the rights to? Or was there some other agreement in place with ECW and the video company that will pretend you said 18?
RF owns the rights to that footage so they can sell it however they wish. He purchased them from ECW back in the day.
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