Impact's production. Jeez why is it so bad? They have Spike TV, a major network, Bischoff and Hervey productions working for them, and still its awful. The added in crowd noise ruins segments. I don't mind if they add 'pops' in when talent finish big lines/sentences, but they have countless cheering through the whole promo. Its unrealistic that crowd would constantly cheer for 10 minutes throughout a whole segment, takes away any realism. Why is it so bad?
Visually, the product looks great but I agree the sound sweetening really needs to be worked on. It often really affects the show overall.
Somehow I think VKM & JL are in league to take down HHH. Or that somehow, in some way, VKM is involved. You?
If John Laurinaitis is not involved it would shock me as there is no other reason for him to be on TV. There is always a chance that Vince McMahon will return but the word making the rounds when he left TV was that he was that he was done as an on-air character. Time will tell.
Had a quick question about "signature maneuvers." Do wrestlers have to clear with management when they start incorporating tribute moves into their repertoire (ie - Punk using the Macho Elbow, Christian using the Spear, Morrison using Sin Cara's finisher from the mat, etc.) Obviously using a tombstone or a pedigree could land you in hot water, but if someone started using the Stunner in matches, would management get annoyed?
Oh yeah, guys don't get to pick that stuff. It gets cleared with management before it gets done.
The recent troubles that Kurt Angle has experienced with the law and not passing the UFC physical make his goal of making the Olympic team seem downright implausible. Is he really serious about trying out? And if he is, is there any chance he succeeds? I would think that drinking beer would be a big no-no for an Olympic hopeful, especially one trying to make an unlikely comeback 16 years after he last competed. And lastly, if he did pull it off, would he be risking his pro career if he was humbled like Bart Gunn was when he fought Butter-Bean?
Angle says he is serious. I believe he thinks he is serious about but I see less than a zero chance that he succeeds. He is too old and just doesn't seem dedicated enough. And if he did make it somehow, I don't see any way he would win anything. It just seems to me that he is doing it to get attention.
I don't always agree, or even understand, some of creative's choices and decisions, but I am puzzled about the total loss of logic in two situations presently. For some time now, MH has been attacking wrestlers, breaking legs, and nothing much has happened or been done. Yet Big Show comes out and attacks MH, and all of a sudden…..out comes Teddy Long!!! So where was TL all those times MH was attacking all the others? And this whole HHH story line. The logic of this storyline totally escapes me, and has more holes than 10 pounds of swiss cheese. Is there anything in this storyline that makes any sense to you, how do you think it will play out, and could this all just be a way to get VKM back on tv?
I agree with you on both counts. Logic has been taking a vacation a lot in WWE lately. I wish it would just go away. I don't even care if it does play out.
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