Why should I buy Hell In A Cell? What have they done to, wait for it, cell me?
That was such a bad pun. I love it! I get what you are saying. What is supposed to be one of the most brutal matches ever, which is supposed to culminate feuds when there is no other way to do so, is now a throwaway PPV with two weeks of build up. When you consider that they also have a great NFL game and the Major League playoffs to compete against, they should have gone over and above to sell us on this one. They did just the opposite. So, I guess I don't have a good answer for you. If you choose not to buy it, you can follow the coverage here on the site tonight.
Do you think Triple H will get another WWE Title run?
Three months ago I would have said no. Now, I am not so sure. I would hope he realizes that is a bad idea but you never know. With that said, he is the most pushed character on WWE TV right now so it really doesn't matter if he has the title or not. He is the star of the show.
So, Matt Hardy had to get forced to go to rehab. He once again only told the net fans half of the story, acting as if it was his call. Why should I believe anything he says?
Honestly, you should have stopped putting faith in Matt a while ago. At this point, he has to earn people's trust again after how he has abused it in the past. With that said, this could be one of the situations where the right thing ends up happening almost by accident. I believe that the only reason that Matt is going to rehab is because he has no choice. But hopefully, he will get the help that he needs and it will turn into a positive for him.
How long will it be before Kurt Angle claims that the Green Bay Packers asked him to come in and replace Brett Favre, but he turned them down?
That won't ever happen. Now making a similar claim about replacing Ben Roethlisberger, well that is another story.
This is a question about cage matches/cell matches that have ended careers. didn’t Tim White (referee) career end as a result of a cell match during the UT- Brock Lesnar match at No Mercy??
Yes he did. Damage to his shoulder from working a cell match is what he cited as being the end of his career.
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