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By Mike Johnson on 2011-09-30 10:00:00
Why are the Divas on both Raw and Smackdown who are scheduled to wrestle featured in ring and not seen walking toward the ring? Recently on Smackdown both Kaitlyn and AJ Lee were seen already in the ring while both Beth Phoenix and Nattie Neidhart walked up toward the ring. Why is that?

To save time,

I was most impressed with the match on Impact Wrestling between TNA Knockout Champion Mickie James and Brooke Tessmacher. Both women really worked hard in the early part of the bout. Good back and forth action. It seemed to slow down however. I saw two versions of Miss Tessmacher. One the promising wrestler. The other a Diva. Playing too much with the fans resulting with James delivering a DDT on her. By the reaction of the crowd Miss Tessmacher is becoming very popular. I hope TNA knows what they have with her. What do you think?

I think Tessmacher looked better than James in that bout, but she has a long way to go.

I realize I'm beating a dead horse but I had written a few times before about the possibility of the late legendary female wrestling great Donna Christanello being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame. Mike Johnson surmised that no one would recognize her. The WWE never acknowledged her on both their respected programs. He felt no one would purchase tickets to the inductions or DVDs of the event featuring someone nobody knew. What if she was inducted along with very popular and more reconized stars? Would that work? When WWF/WWE owned Georgia Championship Wrestling there was a match televised featuring Donna Christanello against former World Womens Champion Wendi Richter. This was sometime after Richter lost the title to legendary wrestling great Lei Lani Kai during the Cyndi Lauper era. It was a great match. WWE inducted of all people comedian Drew Carey. Why not her? She deserves to be. I know WWE won't do it. A shame. Thoughts?

You are beating a dead horse. I've repeated this several times. In their world, sadly, Donna Christanello will not be a Hall of Famer. I never said people wouldn't buy tickets because Christanello would be honored. That's twisting my words. What I DID SAY and WILL REPEAT AGAIN, so read it VERY SLOOOOOWLY, is that the Hall of Fame is not a legitimate, voted Hall but simply a collection of personalities WWE decides to honor for a number of reasons, but the primary one is to SELL TICKETS to their event and to sell DVDs of the event. I respect Christanello but expecting her to be honored by WWE, when her name has not been on the national scene since 1987 when she made her lone PPV appearance, is really grasping at straws. They haven't honored Bruno, Thesz, etc. The Amsterdam Hall is far more likely to honor her.

I read once where WWE banned the chop to the chest as a wrestling move. The move made so famous by Ric Flair. Its also been a favorite move in womens matches. Is this true and if so why?

It had been banned for years but it used at times now. It was done as only Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels were allowed to do it. With their depsrtures, the edict is not as strongly enforced.

What currently going on with Andy Leavine?

He is still under contract in WWE developmental.

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