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By Mike Johnson on 2011-09-22 22:01:52
WWE sent out a survey to select fans on their mailing list today, gauging their interest in a potential cooking show starring The Big Show and his wife, Bess. I would assume this is a potential series for the WWE Network that will be launched next year, but could also see this as a concept being pitched to one of their network partners.

The concept of the show, according to the survey:

"How do you handle a hungry man? Just ask Bess Wight. Her husband is Paul “The Big Show” Wight, WWE Superstar and the world’s largest athlete! “Show” is seven feet tall and 425 pounds…

Bess is bodacious, beautiful, and one big time cook! And if you think The Big Show is tough, you haven’t met his wife! Bess and Show are about to give viewers an all-access pass into the controlled chaos that is their kitchen.

You’ll meet their friends, their families, and even some of Big Show’s fellow WWE Superstars – you never know who will stop by their house to whip up something delicious! Once you see this larger than life couple in the kitchen, we know you’ll be hungry for more!"

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